I am looking for suggestions on how to handle a csv file that is being created, then uploaded by our customers, and that may have a comma in a value, like a company name.
You can use alternative "delimiters" like ";" or "|" but simplest might just be quoting which is supported by most (decent) CSV libraries and most decent spreadsheets.
For more on CSV delimiters and a spec for a standard format for describing delimiters and quoting see this webpage
If you feel like reinventing the wheel, the following may work for you:
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitCSV(string line)
var s = new StringBuilder();
bool escaped = false, inQuotes = false;
foreach (char c in line)
if (c == ',' && !inQuotes)
yield return s.ToString();
else if (c == '\\' && !escaped)
escaped = true;
else if (c == '"' && !escaped)
inQuotes = !inQuotes;
escaped = false;
yield return s.ToString();
You can put double quotes around the fields. I don't like this approach, as it adds another special character (the double quote). Just define an escape character (usually backslash) and use it wherever you need to escape something:
data,more data,more data\, even,yet more
You don't have to try to match quotes, and you have fewer exceptions to parse. This simplifies your code, too.
The CSV format uses commas to separate values, values which contain carriage returns, linefeeds, commas, or double quotes are surrounded by double-quotes. Values that contain double quotes are quoted and each literal quote is escaped by an immediately preceding quote: For example, the 3 values:
list, of, items
"go" he said
would be encoded as:
"list, of, items"
"""go"" he said"
Any field can be quoted but only fields that contain commas, CR/NL, or quotes must be quoted.
There is no real standard for the CSV format, but almost all applications follow the conventions documented here. The RFC that was mentioned elsewhere is not a standard for CSV, it is an RFC for using CSV within MIME and contains some unconventional and unnecessary limitations that make it useless outside of MIME.
A gotcha that many CSV modules I have seen don't accommodate is the fact that multiple lines can be encoded in a single field which means you can't assume that each line is a separate record, you either need to not allow newlines in your data or be prepared to handle this.
In Europe we have this problem must earlier than this question. In Europe we use all a comma for a decimal point. See this numbers below:
| American | Europe |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| 0.5 | 0,5 |
| 3.14159265359 | 3,14159265359 |
| 17.54 | 17,54 |
| 175,186.15 | 175.186,15 |
So it isn't possible to use the comma separator for CSV files. Because of that reason, the CSV files in Europe are separated by a semicolon (;
Programs like Microsoft Excel can read files with a semicolon and it's possible to switch from separator. You could even use a tab (\t
) as separator. See this answer from Supper User.
Put double quotes around strings. That is generally what Excel does.
Ala Eli,
you escape a double quote as two double quotes. E.g. "test1","foo""bar","test2"