How to catch a Firebase Auth specific exceptions

前端 未结 16 2239
慢半拍i 2020-11-28 04:37

Using Firebase, how do I catch a specific exception and tell the user gracefully about it? E.g :

FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException: The email ad

  • 2020-11-28 05:20

    You should use ((FirebaseAuthException)task.getException()).getErrorCode() to get the type of error and fail gracefully if this is the error code for a bad formatted email.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't find the list of error codes used by Firebase. Trigger the exception once, note the error code and code accordingly.

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  • 2020-11-28 05:22

    You can use either steve-guidetti or pdegand59 method. I used steve-guidetti's method(Two exceptions are missing)

    For all possible exception please find below ref.

    It is well documented here.

    Search for "createUserWithEmailAndPassword" and find the

    Error Codes


    Thrown if there already exists an account with the given email address. 


    Thrown if the email address is not valid.


    Thrown if email/password accounts are not enabled. Enable email/password accounts in the Firebase Console, under the Auth tab.


    Thrown if the password is not strong enough. 

    For all five exceptions: Check here

    Here you can find 5 different types of AuthException. 4 Known Direct subclass and 1 indirect subclass

    You can use either steve-guidetti or pdegand59 method.

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  • 2020-11-28 05:24


     fun signInWithEmail(email: String, passKey: String) {
        FirebaseAuth.getInstance().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, passKey).addOnSuccessListener {
            it.user?.let {
        }.addOnFailureListener {
            val errorCode = (it as FirebaseAuthException).errorCode
            val errorMessage = authErrors[errorCode] ?: R.string.error_login_default_error
            Toast.makeText(context, context.getString(errorMessage),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

    Explanation: Basically It's just a map that match firebase error codes with a custom string resource.

    val authErrors = mapOf("ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_TOKEN" to R.string.error_login_custom_token,
            "ERROR_CUSTOM_TOKEN_MISMATCH" to R.string.error_login_custom_token_mismatch,
            "ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIAL" to R.string.error_login_credential_malformed_or_expired,
            "ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL" to R.string.error_login_invalid_email,
            "ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD" to R.string.error_login_wrong_password,
            "ERROR_USER_MISMATCH" to R.string.error_login_user_mismatch,
            "ERROR_REQUIRES_RECENT_LOGIN" to R.string.error_login_requires_recent_login,
            "ERROR_ACCOUNT_EXISTS_WITH_DIFFERENT_CREDENTIAL" to R.string.error_login_accounts_exits_with_different_credential,
            "ERROR_EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE" to  R.string.error_login_email_already_in_use,
            "ERROR_CREDENTIAL_ALREADY_IN_USE" to R.string.error_login_credential_already_in_use,
            "ERROR_USER_DISABLED" to R.string.error_login_user_disabled,
            "ERROR_USER_TOKEN_EXPIRED" to R.string.error_login_user_token_expired,
            "ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND" to R.string.error_login_user_not_found,
            "ERROR_INVALID_USER_TOKEN" to R.string.error_login_invalid_user_token,
            "ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED" to R.string.error_login_operation_not_allowed,
            "ERROR_WEAK_PASSWORD" to R.string.error_login_password_is_weak)

    String resources (Feel free to change it according to your requirements)

        <string name="error_login_custom_token">The custom token format is incorrect. Please check the documentation.</string>
        <string name="error_login_custom_token_mismatch">The custom token corresponds to a different audience.</string>
        <string name="error_login_credential_malformed_or_expired">The supplied auth credential is malformed or has expired.</string>
        <string name="error_login_invalid_email">The email address is badly formatted.</string>
        <string name="error_login_wrong_password">The password is invalid or the user does not have a password.</string>
        <string name="error_login_user_mismatch">The supplied credentials do not correspond to the previously signed in user.</string>
        <string name="error_login_requires_recent_login">This operation is sensitive and requires recent authentication. Log in again before retrying this request.</string>
        <string name="error_login_accounts_exits_with_different_credential">An account already exists with the same email address but different sign-in credentials. Sign in using a provider associated with this email address.</string>
        <string name="error_login_email_already_in_use">The email address is already in use by another account.</string>
        <string name="error_login_credential_already_in_use">This credential is already associated with a different user account.</string>
        <string name="error_login_user_disabled">The user account has been disabled by an administrator.</string>
        <string name="error_login_user_not_found">There is no user record corresponding to this identifier. The user may have been deleted.</string>
        <string name="error_login_operation_not_allowed">This operation is not allowed. You must enable this service in the console.</string>
        <string name="error_login_password_is_weak">The given password is invalid.</string>
        <string name="error_login_user_token_expired">The user\'s credential is no longer valid. The user must sign in again</string>
        <string name="error_login_invalid_user_token">The user\'s credential is no longer valid. The user must sign in again.</string>
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  • 2020-11-28 05:26

    In addition to @pdegand59 answer, I found some error code in Firebase library and test on Android (the returned error code). Hope this helps, Regards.

     ("ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_TOKEN", "The custom token format is incorrect. Please check the documentation."));
     ("ERROR_CUSTOM_TOKEN_MISMATCH", "The custom token corresponds to a different audience."));
     ("ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIAL", "The supplied auth credential is malformed or has expired."));
     ("ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL", "The email address is badly formatted."));
     ("ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD", "The password is invalid or the user does not have a password."));
     ("ERROR_USER_MISMATCH", "The supplied credentials do not correspond to the previously signed in user."));
     ("ERROR_REQUIRES_RECENT_LOGIN", "This operation is sensitive and requires recent authentication. Log in again before retrying this request."));
     ("ERROR_ACCOUNT_EXISTS_WITH_DIFFERENT_CREDENTIAL", "An account already exists with the same email address but different sign-in credentials. Sign in using a provider associated with this email address."));
     ("ERROR_EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE", "The email address is already in use by another account."));
     ("ERROR_CREDENTIAL_ALREADY_IN_USE", "This credential is already associated with a different user account."));
     ("ERROR_USER_DISABLED", "The user account has been disabled by an administrator."));
     ("ERROR_USER_TOKEN_EXPIRED", "The user\'s credential is no longer valid. The user must sign in again."));
     ("ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND", "There is no user record corresponding to this identifier. The user may have been deleted."));
     ("ERROR_INVALID_USER_TOKEN", "The user\'s credential is no longer valid. The user must sign in again."));
     ("ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED", "This operation is not allowed. You must enable this service in the console."));
     ("ERROR_WEAK_PASSWORD", "The given password is invalid."));
     ("ERROR_MISSING_EMAIL", "An email address must be provided.";
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-28 05:26


    FirebaseAuthException - Generic exception related to Firebase Authentication. Check the error code and message for more details.

    ERROR_USER_DISABLED if the user has been disabled (for example, in the Firebase console)

    ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND if the user has been deleted (for example, in the Firebase console, or in another instance of this app)

    ERROR_USER_TOKEN_EXPIRED if the user's token has been revoked in the backend. This happens automatically if the user's credentials change in another device (for example, on a password change event).

    ERROR_INVALID_USER_TOKEN if the user's token is malformed. This should not happen under normal circumstances.

    mAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(login, pass)
      .addOnCompleteListener(this, new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
            public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task) {
                }else if (task.getException() instanceof FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException) {
                }else if(((FirebaseAuthException) task.getException()).getErrorCode().equals("ERROR_USER_DISABLED"))
               }else if(((FirebaseAuthException) task.getException()).getErrorCode().equals("ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND "))
              }else if(((FirebaseAuthException) task.getException()).getErrorCode().equals("ERROR_USER_TOKEN_EXPIRED "))
             }else if(((FirebaseAuthException) task.getException()).getErrorCode().equals("ERROR_INVALID_USER_TOKEN "))



    Represents the exception which is a result of an attempt to send an email via Firebase Auth (e.g. a password reset email)

    FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException - Thrown when one or more of the credentials passed to a method fail to identify and/or authenticate the user subject of that operation. Inspect the error code and message to find out the specific cause.

    FirebaseAuthWeakPasswordException - Thrown when using a weak password (less than 6 chars) to create a new account or to update an existing account's password. Use getReason() to get a message with the reason the validation failed that you can display to your users.

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  • 2020-11-28 05:27

    Try the following:

    if (task.isSuccessful()) {
        //Toast.makeText(getContext(),"Registration successful", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        try {
            Toast.makeText(getContext(),"Registration successful", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            throw task.getException();
        // if user enters wrong email.
        catch (FirebaseAuthWeakPasswordException weakPassword) {
            Log.d("Registration Error", "onComplete: weak_password");
            // TODO: take your actions!
        // if user enters wrong password.
        catch (FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException malformedEmail) {
            Log.d("Registration Error", "onComplete: malformed_email");
            // TODO: Take your action
        catch (FirebaseAuthUserCollisionException existEmail) {
            Log.d("Registration Error", "onComplete: exist_email");
            // TODO: Take your action
        catch (Exception e) {
            Log.d("Registration Error", "onComplete: " + e.getMessage());
    } else {
        //Toast.makeText(getContext(), "ERROR, Please try again.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        Toast.makeText(getContext(), task.getException().getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
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