Lets say I query the database and load a list of items. Then I open one of the items in a detail view form, and instead of re-querying the item out of the database, I create
Generally speaking, if you used Entity Framework to query all the items, and you saved the entity object, you can update the individual items in the entity object and call SaveChanges()
when you are finished. For example:
var items = dataEntity.Include("items").items;
// For each one you want to change:
items.First(item => item.id == theIdYouWant).itemstatus = newStatus;
// After all changes:
The retrieval of the one item you want should not generate a new query.
This article as part of Microsoft's Getting Started explains entity states and how to do this:
Add/Attach and Entity States
Look at the section 'Attaching an existing but modified entity to the context'
Now I'm off to read the rest of these tutorials.
It works somewhat different in EF Core:
There may be a faster way to do this in EF Core, but the following ensures an UPDATE without having to do a SELECT (tested with EF Core 2 and JET on the .NET Framework 4.6.2):
Ensure your model does not have IsRequired properties
Then use the following template (in VB.NET):
Using dbContext = new MyContext()
Dim bewegung = dbContext.MyTable.Attach(New MyTable())
bewegung.Entity.myKey = someKey
bewegung.Entity.myOtherField = "1"
dbContext.Entry(bewegung.Entity).State = EntityState.Modified
Dim BewegungenDescription = (From tp In dbContext.Model.GetEntityTypes() Where tp.ClrType.Name = "MyTable" Select tp).First()
For Each p In (From prop In BewegungenDescription.GetProperties() Select prop)
Dim pp = dbContext.Entry(bewegung.Entity).Property(p.Name)
pp.IsModified = False
dbContext.Entry(bewegung.Entity).Property(Function(row) row.myOtherField).IsModified = True
End Using
The code:
ExampleEntity exampleEntity = dbcontext.ExampleEntities.Attach(new ExampleEntity { Id = 1 });
exampleEntity.ExampleProperty = "abc";
dbcontext.Entry<ExampleEntity>(exampleEntity).Property(ee => ee.ExampleProperty).IsModified = true;
dbcontext.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
The result TSQL:
exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE [dbo].[ExampleEntities]
SET [ExampleProperty ] = @0
WHERE ([Id] = @1)
',N'@0 nvarchar(32),@1 bigint',@0='abc',@1=1
The "IsModified = true" line, is needed because when you create the new ExampleEntity object (only with the Id property populated) all the other properties has their default values (0, null, etc). If you want to update the DB with a "default value", the change will not be detected by entity framework, and then DB will not be updated.
In example:
exampleEntity.ExampleProperty = null;
will not work without the line "IsModified = true", because the property ExampleProperty, is already null when you created the empty ExampleEntity object, you needs to say to EF that this column must be updated, and this is the purpose of this line.
You should use the Attach() method.
Attaching and Detaching Objects
If the DataItem
has fields EF will pre-validate (like non-nullable fields), we'll have to disable that validation for this context:
DataItem itemToUpdate = new DataItem { Id = id, Itemstatus = newStatus };
dataEntity.Entry(itemToUpdate).Property(x => x.Itemstatus).IsModified = true;
dataEntity.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
//dataEntity.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = true;
Otherwise we can try satisfy the pre-validation and still only update the single column:
DataItem itemToUpdate = new DataItem
Id = id,
Itemstatus = newStatus,
NonNullableColumn = "this value is disregarded - the db original will remain"
dataEntity.Entry(itemToUpdate).Property(x => x.Itemstatus).IsModified = true;
Assuming dataEntity
is a System.Data.Entity.DbContext
You can verify the query generated by adding this to the DbContext
/*dataEntity.*/Database.Log = m => System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(m);