I want regex to validate for only letters and spaces. Basically this is to validate full name. Ex: Mr Steve Collins or Steve Collins I tried this regex.
You could even try this expression ^[a-zA-Z\\s]*$
for checking a string with only letters and spaces (nothing else).
For me it worked. Hope it works for you as well.
Or go through this piece of code once:
CharSequence inputStr = expression;
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(new String ("^[a-zA-Z\\s]*$"));
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputStr);
//if pattern matches
//if pattern does not matches
What about:
Validating names is a difficult issue, because valid names are not only consisting of the letters A-Z.
At least you should use the Unicode property for letters and add more special characters. A first approach could be e.g.:
String regx = "^[\\p{L} .'-]+$";
is a Unicode Character Property that matches any kind of letter from any language