I want to convert binary string in to digit E.g
var binary = \"1101000\" // code for 104
var digit = binary.toString(10); // Convert String or Digit (But it
The parseInt function converts strings to numbers, and it takes a second argument specifying the base in which the string representation is:
var digit = parseInt(binary, 2);
See it in action.
I gathered all what others have suggested and created following function which has 3 arguments, the number and the base which that number has come from and the base which that number is going to be on:
changeBase(1101000, 2, 10) => 104
Run Code Snippet to try it yourself:
function changeBase(number, fromBase, toBase) {
if (fromBase == 10)
return (parseInt(number)).toString(toBase)
else if (toBase == 10)
return parseInt(number, fromBase);
var numberInDecimal = parseInt(number, fromBase);
return (parseInt(numberInDecimal)).toString(toBase);
var number = $("#txtNumber").val(),
fromBase = $("#txtFromBase").val(),
toBase = $("#txtToBase").val();
$("#lblResult").text(changeBase(number, fromBase, toBase));
padding: 20px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input id="txtNumber" type="text" placeholder="Number" />
<input id="txtFromBase" type="text" placeholder="From Base" />
<input id="txtToBase" type="text" placeholder="To Base" />
<input id="btnConvert" type="button" value="Convert" />
<span id="lblResult"></span>
<p>Hint: <br />
Try 110, 2, 10 and it will return 6; (110)<sub>2</sub> = 6<br />
or 2d, 16, 10 => 45 meaning: (2d)<sub>16</sub> = 45<br />
or 45, 10, 16 => 2d meaning: 45 = (2d)<sub>16</sub><br />
or 2d, 2, 16 => 2d meaning: (101101)<sub>2</sub> = (2d)<sub>16</sub><br />
FYI: If you want to pass 2d as hex number, you need to send it as a string so it goes like this:
changeBase('2d', 16, 10)
ES6 supports binary numeric literals for integers, so if the binary string is immutable, as in the example code in the question, one could just type it in as it is with the prefix 0b
or 0B
var binary = 0b1101000; // code for 104
console.log(binary); // prints 104