I want to convert binary string in to digit E.g
var binary = \"1101000\" // code for 104
var digit = binary.toString(10); // Convert String or Digit (But it
Use the radix parameter of parseInt:
var binary = "1101000";
var digit = parseInt(binary, 2);
function binaryToDecimal(string) {
let decimal = +0;
let bits = +1;
for(let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
let currNum = +(string[string.length - i - 1]);
if(currNum === 1) {
decimal += bits;
bits *= 2;
Slightly modified conventional binary conversion algorithm utilizing some more ES6 syntax and auto-features:
Convert binary sequence string to Array (assuming it wasnt already passed as array)
Reverse sequence to force 0 index to start at right-most binary digit as binary is calculated right-left
'reduce' Array function traverses array, performing summation of (2^index) per binary digit [only if binary digit === 1] (0 digit always yields 0)
NOTE: Binary conversion formula:
{where d=binary digit, i=array index, n=array length-1 (starting from right)}
∑ (d * 2^i)
let decimal = Array.from(binaryString).reverse().reduce((total, val, index)=>val==="1"?total + 2**index:total, 0);
console.log(`Converted BINARY sequence (${binaryString}) to DECIMAL (${decimal}).`);
var num = 10;
alert("Binary " + num.toString(2)); //1010
alert("Octal " + num.toString(8)); //12
alert("Hex " + num.toString(16)); //a
alert("Binary to Decimal "+ parseInt("1010", 2)); //10
alert("Octal to Decimal " + parseInt("12", 8)); //10
alert("Hex to Decimal " + parseInt("a", 16)); //10
Another implementation just for functional JS practicing could be
var bin2int = s => Array.prototype.reduce.call(s, (p,c) => p*2 + +c)
coerces String
type c
to a Number
type value for proper addition.
with radix is a best solution (as was told by many):
But if you want to implement it without parseInt, here is an implementation:
function bin2dec(num){
return num.split('').reverse().reduce(function(x, y, i){
return (y === '1') ? x + Math.pow(2, i) : x;
}, 0);