mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl

前端 未结 30 1540
萌比男神i 2020-11-28 04:35

We are trying to build our own form-field-Components at our Company. We are trying to wrap material design\'s Components like this:


  • 2020-11-28 05:04

    i was getting the same issue due to commented element as follows.

        <!-- <mat-select>
            <mat-option *ngFor="let q of queries" [value]="">
        </mat-select>  -->

    form field should have element! (e.g. the input, textarea, select, etc.)

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  • 2020-11-28 05:05

    Quoting from the official documentation here:

    Error: mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl

    This error occurs when you have not added a form field control to your form field. If your form field contains a native or element, make sure you've added the matInput directive to it and have imported MatInputModule. Other components that can act as a form field control include , , and any custom form field controls you've created.

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  • 2020-11-28 05:05

    The same error can occur if you have a mat slide within a mat from field as the only element in my case I had

        <mat-slide-toggle [(ngModel)]="myvar">
           Some Text

    This might happen if you had several attributes within the <mat-form-field> Simple solution was to move the slide toggle to the root

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  • 2020-11-28 05:06

    if anyone is trying to nest a <mat-radio-group> inside a <mat-form-field> like below, you will get this error

                    <!-- <mat-label>Image Position</mat-label> -->
                    <mat-radio-group aria-label="Image Position" [(ngModel)]="section.field_1">
                        <mat-radio-button value="left">Left</mat-radio-button>
                        <mat-radio-button value="right">Right</mat-radio-button>

    remove the parent <mat-form-field> tags

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  • 2020-11-28 05:06

    Note Some time Error occurs, when we use "mat-form-field" tag around submit button like:

    <mat-form-field class="example-full-width">
       <button mat-raised-button type="submit" color="primary">  Login</button>

    So kindly don't use this tag around submit button

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  • 2020-11-28 05:07

    A partial solution is to wrap the material form field in a custom component and implement the ControlValueAccessor interface on it. Besides content projection the effect is pretty much the same.

    See full example on Stackblitz.

    I used FormControl (reactive forms) inside CustomInputComponent but FormGroup or FormArray should work too if you need a more complex form element.


    <form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
      <mat-form-field appearance="outline" floatLabel="always" color="primary">
        <mat-label>First name</mat-label>
        <input matInput placeholder="First name" formControlName="firstName" required>
        <mat-hint>Fill in first name.</mat-hint>
        <mat-error *ngIf="firstNameControl.invalid && (firstNameControl.dirty || firstNameControl.touched)">
          <span *ngIf="firstNameControl.hasError('required')">
            You must fill in the first name.
        [hint]="'Fill in last name.'"
        [label]="'Last name'"
        [placeholder]="'Last name'"
      <button mat-flat-button
        [disabled]="form.invalid || form.pending">


    <mat-form-field appearance="outline" floatLabel="always" color="primary">
      <mat-label>{{ label }}</mat-label>
      <mat-hint>{{ hint }}</mat-hint>
      <mat-error *ngIf="customControl.invalid && (customControl.dirty || customControl.touched)">
        <ng-container *ngFor="let error of errorMessages">
        <span *ngFor="let item of error | keyvalue">
          <span *ngIf="customControl.hasError(item.key)">
            {{ item.value }}
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