I need to do this from time to time and end up hacking the command line until it works.
For example, here I want to see if I have any SSH connections, (the 8th column returned by "ps" is the running "path-to-procname" and is filtered by "awk":
ps | awk -e '{ print $8 }' | grep ssh | sed -e 's/.*\///g'
Then I put it in a shell-script, ("eval"-ing the command line inside of backticks), like this:
VNC_STRING=`ps | awk -e '{ print $8 }' | grep vnc | sed -e 's/.*\///g'`
if [ ! -z "$VNC_STRING" ]; then
echo "The VNC STRING is not empty, therefore your process is running."
The "sed" part trims the path to the exact token and might not be necessary for your needs.
Here's my example I used to get your answer. I wrote it to automatically create 2 SSH tunnels and launch a VNC client for each.
I run it from my Cygwin shell to do admin to my backend from my windows workstation, so I can jump to UNIX/LINUX-land with one command, (this also assumes the client rsa keys have already been "ssh-copy-id"-ed and are known to the remote host).
It's idempotent in that each proc/command only fires when their $VAR eval's to an empty string.
It appends " | wc -l" to store the number of running procs that match, (i.e., number of lines found), instead of proc-name for each $VAR to suit my needs. I keep the "echo" statements so I can re-run and diagnose the state of both connections.
SSH_COUNT=`eval ps | awk -e '{ print $8 }' | grep ssh | sed -e 's/.*\///g' | wc -l`
VNC_COUNT=`eval ps | awk -e '{ print $8 }' | grep vnc | sed -e 's/.*\///g' | wc -l`
if [ $SSH_COUNT = "2" ]; then
echo "There are already 2 SSH tunnels."
elif [ $SSH_COUNT = "1" ]; then
echo "There is only 1 SSH tunnel."
elif [ $SSH_COUNT = "0" ]; then
echo "connecting 2 SSH tunnels."
ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 -f -l USER1 HOST1 sleep 10;
ssh -L 5904:localhost:5904 -f -l USER2 HOST2 sleep 10;
if [ $VNC_COUNT = "2" ]; then
echo "There are already 2 VNC sessions."
elif [ $VNC_COUNT = "1" ]; then
echo "There is only 1 VNC session."
elif [ $VNC_COUNT = "0" ]; then
echo "launching 2 vnc sessions."
vncviewer.exe localhost:1 &
vncviewer.exe localhost:4 &
This is very perl-like to me and possibly more unix utils than true shell scripting. I know there are lots of "MAGIC" numbers and cheezy hard-coded values but it works, (I think I'm also in poor taste for using so much UPPERCASE too). Flexibility can be added with some cmd-line args to make this more versatile but I wanted to share what worked for me. Please improve and share. Cheers.