I\'m interested in a PowerShell script that copies a large amount of files from a server daily and I\'m interested in implementing a in-console progress bar like
Here is native PowerShell GUI version of RoboCopy. (NO EXE file)
I hope it helps some one.
FYI : Are there any one who can combine PowerCopy GUI tool with Copy-WithProgress bar?
This is the code-snippet I finally used for such task:
$fileName = 'test.txt'
$fromDir = 'c:\'
$toDir = 'd:\'
$title = $null
&robocopy "$fromDir" "$toDir" "$fileName" /z /mt /move /w:3 /r:10 /xo | %{
$data = $_.Split("`t")
if ($title -and $data[0] -match '\d+(?=%)') {
Write-Progress $title -Status $data -PercentComplete $matches[0]
if($data[4]) {$title = $data[4]}
Write-Progress $title -complete
Progress bars are nice and all but when copying hundreds of files, showing progress slows down the operation, in some cases quite a bit. It's one reason that the robocopy help says for the /MT flag to redirect output to log for better performance.
These solutions are great but a quick and easy way to get a floating progress for all the files easily is as follows:
robocopy <source> <destination> /MIR /NDL /NJH /NJS | %{$data = $_.Split([char]9); if("$($data[4])" -ne "") { $file = "$($data[4])"} ;Write-Progress "Percentage $($data[0])" -Activity "Robocopy" -CurrentOperation "$($file)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; }
I wrote a PowerShell function called Copy-WithProgress
that will achieve what you are after. Since you specifically stated that you were using robocopy, I built a PowerShell function that encapsulates the robocopy functionality (at least, parts of it).
Allow me to show you how it works. I've also recorded and posted a YouTube video demonstrating how the function is designed to work, and invoking a test run.
The function is divided into regions:
There are several parameters on the function.
At the bottom of the script (after the function definition), is a complete example of how to call it. It should work on your computer, since everything is variable-ized. There are five steps:
function again, and validate only changes are replicatedHere is a screenshot of what the function's output looks like. You can leave off the -Verbose
parameter, if you do not want all of the debugging information. A PSCustomObject
is returned, by the function, which tells you:
Here is a screenshot of the PowerShell Progress Bar in the PowerShell ISE, and the PowerShell Console Host.
Here is the code:
function Copy-WithProgress {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Source
, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Destination
, [int] $Gap = 200
, [int] $ReportGap = 2000
# Define regular expression that will gather number of bytes copied
$RegexBytes = '(?<=\s+)\d+(?=\s+)';
#region Robocopy params
# MIR = Mirror mode
# NP = Don't show progress percentage in log
# NC = Don't log file classes (existing, new file, etc.)
# BYTES = Show file sizes in bytes
# NJH = Do not display robocopy job header (JH)
# NJS = Do not display robocopy job summary (JS)
# TEE = Display log in stdout AND in target log file
$CommonRobocopyParams = '/MIR /NP /NDL /NC /BYTES /NJH /NJS';
#endregion Robocopy params
#region Robocopy Staging
Write-Verbose -Message 'Analyzing robocopy job ...';
$StagingLogPath = '{0}\temp\{1} robocopy staging.log' -f $env:windir, (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss');
$StagingArgumentList = '"{0}" "{1}" /LOG:"{2}" /L {3}' -f $Source, $Destination, $StagingLogPath, $CommonRobocopyParams;
Write-Verbose -Message ('Staging arguments: {0}' -f $StagingArgumentList);
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath robocopy.exe -ArgumentList $StagingArgumentList -NoNewWindow;
# Get the total number of files that will be copied
$StagingContent = Get-Content -Path $StagingLogPath;
$TotalFileCount = $StagingContent.Count - 1;
# Get the total number of bytes to be copied
[RegEx]::Matches(($StagingContent -join "`n"), $RegexBytes) | % { $BytesTotal = 0; } { $BytesTotal += $_.Value; };
Write-Verbose -Message ('Total bytes to be copied: {0}' -f $BytesTotal);
#endregion Robocopy Staging
#region Start Robocopy
# Begin the robocopy process
$RobocopyLogPath = '{0}\temp\{1} robocopy.log' -f $env:windir, (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss');
$ArgumentList = '"{0}" "{1}" /LOG:"{2}" /ipg:{3} {4}' -f $Source, $Destination, $RobocopyLogPath, $Gap, $CommonRobocopyParams;
Write-Verbose -Message ('Beginning the robocopy process with arguments: {0}' -f $ArgumentList);
$Robocopy = Start-Process -FilePath robocopy.exe -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Verbose -PassThru -NoNewWindow;
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100;
#endregion Start Robocopy
#region Progress bar loop
while (!$Robocopy.HasExited) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $ReportGap;
$BytesCopied = 0;
$LogContent = Get-Content -Path $RobocopyLogPath;
$BytesCopied = [Regex]::Matches($LogContent, $RegexBytes) | ForEach-Object -Process { $BytesCopied += $_.Value; } -End { $BytesCopied; };
$CopiedFileCount = $LogContent.Count - 1;
Write-Verbose -Message ('Bytes copied: {0}' -f $BytesCopied);
Write-Verbose -Message ('Files copied: {0}' -f $LogContent.Count);
$Percentage = 0;
if ($BytesCopied -gt 0) {
$Percentage = (($BytesCopied/$BytesTotal)*100)
Write-Progress -Activity Robocopy -Status ("Copied {0} of {1} files; Copied {2} of {3} bytes" -f $CopiedFileCount, $TotalFileCount, $BytesCopied, $BytesTotal) -PercentComplete $Percentage
#endregion Progress loop
#region Function output
BytesCopied = $BytesCopied;
FilesCopied = $CopiedFileCount;
#endregion Function output
# 1. TESTING: Generate a random, unique source directory, with some test files in it
$TestSource = '{0}\{1}' -f $env:temp, [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString();
$null = mkdir -Path $TestSource;
# 1a. TESTING: Create some test source files
1..20 | % -Process { Set-Content -Path $TestSource\$_.txt -Value ('A'*(Get-Random -Minimum 10 -Maximum 2100)); };
# 2. TESTING: Create a random, unique target directory
$TestTarget = '{0}\{1}' -f $env:temp, [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString();
$null = mkdir -Path $TestTarget;
# 3. Call the Copy-WithProgress function
Copy-WithProgress -Source $TestSource -Destination $TestTarget -Verbose;
# 4. Add some new files to the source directory
21..40 | % -Process { Set-Content -Path $TestSource\$_.txt -Value ('A'*(Get-Random -Minimum 950 -Maximum 1400)); };
# 5. Call the Copy-WithProgress function (again)
Copy-WithProgress -Source $TestSource -Destination $TestTarget -Verbose;
I ended up using this based on Amrinder's suggested answer:
robocopy.exe $Source $Destination $PatternArg $MirrorArg /NDL /NJH /NJS | ForEach-Object -Process {
$data = $_.Split([char]9);
if (($data.Count -gt 4) -and ("$($data[4])" -ne ""))
$file = "$($data[4])"
Write-Progress "Percentage $($data[0])" -Activity "Robocopy" -CurrentOperation "$($file)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
Write-Progress "Percentage $($data[0])" -Activity "Robocopy" -CurrentOperation "$($file)"
# Robocopy has a bitmask set of exit codes, so only complain about failures:
[int] $exitCode = $global:LastExitCode;
[int] $someCopyErrors = $exitCode -band 8;
[int] $seriousError = $exitCode -band 16;
if (($someCopyErrors -ne 0) -or ($seriousError -ne 0))
Write-Error "ERROR: robocopy failed with a non-successful exit code: $exitCode"
exit 1
Fyi, Bill