Today I had skype interview for a job as PHP developer, one of the questions asked was about Cookies and PHP Sessions.
The question was, can PHP session be set and r
Yes session will work when cookies is disabled. But first apache check php configuration settings. Like:
if these value are set true the session will passed by POST automatically.
If "--enable-trans-sid" and "--enable-track-vars" values are set to FALSE, we need to pass session id by using the SID constant.
< a href="index.php?<?= SID ?>" >Navigate from here< /a >
Need to set php.ini
ini_set("session.use_cookies", 0);
ini_set("session.use_trans_sid", 1);
You will need to put the session ID in the URL. You will need to make a change in your php.ini file so if you are on a shared host you will need to contact them to see what they will do for you.
So basically my question is, am I right?
Mostly. In the real world: YES.
Can you use PHP sessions if you disable cookies in your browser?
You CAN use PHP sessions without cookies, as long as the browser identity is obtained somehow and yields a unique value (and this value is passed to the PHP session layer):
Or - and here we're not in Kansas anymore:
(1) if you were in a LAN where you can trust the IPs, you could associate a "session" to the user IP. You might enforce a strict "no cookies" policy in a small firm and still have user sessions without resorting to _GET/_POST for your session ID.