I\'ve been looking for an efficient way to do this but haven\'t been able to find it, basically what I need is that given this url for example:
Javascript now give a very useful functionnality to handle url parameters: URLSearchParams
var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
var newParams = searchParams.toString()
Nowdays that's possible with native JS
var href = new URL('https://google.com?q=cats');
href.searchParams.set('q', 'dogs');
console.log(href.toString()); // https://google.com/?q=dogs
Here is modified stenix's code, it's not perfect but it handles cases where there is a param in url that contains provided parameter, like:
/search?searchquery=text and 'query' is provided.
In this case searchquery param value is changed.
function replaceUrlParam(url, paramName, paramValue){
var pattern = new RegExp('(\\?|\\&)('+paramName+'=).*?(&|$)')
var newUrl=url
newUrl = url.replace(pattern,'$1$2' + paramValue + '$3');
newUrl = newUrl + (newUrl.indexOf('?')>0 ? '&' : '?') + paramName + '=' + paramValue
return newUrl
2020 answer since I was missing the functionality to automatically delete a parameter, so:
Based on my favorite answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/20420424/6284674 : I combined it with the ability to:
automatically delete an URL param if the value if null
or ''
based on answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/25214672/6284674
optionally push the updated URL directly in the window.location bar
IE support since it's only using regex and no URLSearchParams
JSfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/MickV/zxc3b47u/
function replaceUrlParam(url, paramName, paramValue){
if(paramValue == null || paramValue == "")
return url
.replace(new RegExp('[?&]' + paramValue + '=[^&#]*(#.*)?$'), '$1')
.replace(new RegExp('([?&])' + paramValue + '=[^&]*&'), '$1');
url = url.replace(/\?$/,'');
var pattern = new RegExp('\\b('+paramName+'=).*?(&|$)')
return url.replace(pattern,'$1' + paramValue + '$2');
return url + (url.indexOf('?')>0 ? '&' : '?') + paramName + '=' + paramValue
// Orginal URL (default jsfiddle console URL)
console.log(replaceUrlParam(window.location.href,'a', null));
//Optionally also update the replaced URL in the window location bar
//Note: This does not work in JSfiddle, but it does in a normal browser
function pushUrl(url){
window.history.pushState("", "", replaceUrlParam(window.location.href,'a','2'));
pushUrl(replaceUrlParam(window.location.href,'a', null));
try this
var updateQueryStringParam = function (key, value) {
var baseUrl = [location.protocol, '//', location.host, location.pathname].join(''),
urlQueryString = document.location.search,
newParam = key + '=' + value,
params = '?' + newParam;
// If the "search" string exists, then build params from it
if (urlQueryString) {
var updateRegex = new RegExp('([\?&])' + key + '[^&]*');
var removeRegex = new RegExp('([\?&])' + key + '=[^&;]+[&;]?');
if( typeof value == 'undefined' || value == null || value == '' ) { // Remove param if value is empty
params = urlQueryString.replace(removeRegex, "$1");
params = params.replace( /[&;]$/, "" );
} else if (urlQueryString.match(updateRegex) !== null) { // If param exists already, update it
params = urlQueryString.replace(updateRegex, "$1" + newParam);
} else { // Otherwise, add it to end of query string
params = urlQueryString + '&' + newParam;
// no parameter was set so we don't need the question mark
params = params == '?' ? '' : params;
window.history.replaceState({}, "", baseUrl + params);
If you are having very narrow and specific use-case like replacing a particular parameter of given name that have alpha-numeric values with certain special characters capped upto certain length limit, you could try this approach:
urlValue.replace(/\bsrc=[0-9a-zA-Z_@.#+-]{1,50}\b/, 'src=' + newValue);
let urlValue = 'www.example.com?a=b&src=test-value&p=q';
const newValue = 'sucess';
console.log(urlValue.replace(/\bsrc=[0-9a-zA-Z_@.#+-]{1,50}\b/, 'src=' + newValue));
// output - www.example.com?a=b&src=sucess&p=q