Android newbie. My processor is AMD, not Intel, so I can\'t open the emulator in Android studio.
This answer has the comment: \'You can run the ARM (non Intel) emul
Since Android Studio 3.2 and Android Emulator 27.3.8 - the android emulator is supported by Windows Hypervisor Platform and as stated in the official android developer blog - there is mac support (since OS X v10.10 Yosemite) and windows support (since April 2018 Update). You may find further instructions on the developer blog.
In my opinion, the performance is significantly better than all previous workarounds.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Via AMD Hypervisor, we added support for running the emulator on AMD CPUs on Windows:
Open Android AVD Manager: Tools -> Android -> AVD Manager and create an emulator:
This works for me.
My laptop runs on AMD Ryzen 5 and I was facing a similar issue. I tried some of the fixes here but didn't work but eventually, I read hundreds of blogs and came up with a solution. You need the following setup requirements to be in place:
AMD Processor - Recommended: AMD® Ryzen™ processors Android Studio 3.2 Beta or higher(I run on BETA, However the latest version of Android Studio doesn't need you to install ARM images anymore) Android Emulator v27.3.8+ x86 Android Virtual Device (AVD) Windows 10 with April 2018 Update Enable via Windows Features: "Windows Hypervisor Platform"
With all these features in place, I was running Android studio again. Hope it helped!
On mine, I had to install ARM AEBI a7a System Image and Google APIs, and also installed MIPS which was only available for API 15, 16, and 17 (I didn't go below 15.) Took about 12 hours of tinkering, but it works now.
alternatively, you can use Genymotion as an emulator, however will most likely lose design abilities otherwise available with included emulators.
It works now. Pretty slow, but it works. Of course, once you have the emulator started, as long as you don't close it, it will be much faster.
You may need to restart Android studio, and I restarted my entire computer just for good measure.
Hope that helps.
The newest version of the Android emulator can be run with Hyper-V instead of Intel HAXM on the Windows 10 1804:
Short version: