How to concatenate string in Swift?
In Objective-C
we do like
NSString *string = @\"Swift\";
NSString *resultStr = [string stringByAppen
It is called as String Interpolation. It is way of creating NEW string with CONSTANTS, VARIABLE, LITERALS and EXPRESSIONS. for examples:
let price = 3
let staringValue = "The price of \(price) mangoes is equal to \(price*price) "
let string1 = "anil"
let string2 = "gupta"
let fullName = string1 + string2 // fullName is equal to "anilgupta"
let fullName = "\(string1)\(string2)" // fullName is equal to "anilgupta"
it also mean as concatenating string values.
Hope this helps you.
var language = "Swift"
var resultStr = "\(language) is a new programming language"