How to concatenate string in Swift?
In Objective-C
we do like
NSString *string = @\"Swift\";
NSString *resultStr = [string stringByAppen
You could use SwiftString ( to do this.
"".join(["string1", "string2", "string3"]) // "string1string2string"
" ".join(["hello", "world"]) // "hello world"
DISCLAIMER: I wrote this extension
One can also use stringByAppendingFormat in Swift.
var finalString : NSString = NSString(string: "Hello")
finalString = finalString.stringByAppendingFormat("%@", " World")
print(finalString) //Output:- Hello World
finalString = finalString.stringByAppendingFormat("%@", " Of People")
print(finalString) //Output:- Hello World Of People
You can add a string in these ways:
str += ""
str = str + ""
str = str + str2
str = "" + ""
str = "\(variable)"
str = str + "\(variable)"
I think I named them all.
\ this is being used to append one string to another string.
var first = "Hi"
var combineStr = "\(first) Start develop app for swift"
You can try this also:- + keyword.
var first = "Hi"
var combineStr = "+(first) Start develop app for swift"
Try this code.
From: Matt Neuburg Book “iOS 13 Programming Fundamentals with Swift.” :
To combine (concatenate) two strings, the simplest approach is to use the + operator:
let s = "hello"
let s2 = " world"
let greeting = s + s2
This convenient notation is possible because the + operator is overloaded: it does one thing when the operands are numbers (numeric addition) and another when the operands are strings (concatenation). The + operator comes with a += assignment shortcut; naturally, the variable on the left side must have been declared with var:
var s = "hello"
let s2 = " world"
s += s2
As an alternative to +=, you can call the append(_:) instance method:
var s = "hello"
let s2 = " world"
Another way of concatenating strings is with the joined(separator:) method. You start with an array of strings to be concatenated, and hand it the string that is to be inserted between all of them:
let s = "hello"
let s2 = "world"
let space = " "
let greeting = [s,s2].joined(separator:space)
You can achieve it using appending
API. This returns a new string made by appending a given string to the receiver.
API Details : here
var text = "Hello"
text = text.appending(" Namaste")
Hello Namaste