How would I use python to convert an IP address that comes as a str
to a decimal number and vice versa?
For example, for the IP &l
Use class IPAddress
in module netaddr
ipv4 str
-> int
print int(netaddr.IPAddress(''))
# OUTPUT: 3232236598
ipv4 int
-> str
print str(netaddr.IPAddress(3232236598))
ipv6 str
-> int
print int(netaddr.IPAddress('2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329'))
# OUTPUT: 42540766411282592856904265327123268393
ipv6 int
-> str
print str(netaddr.IPAddress(42540766411282592856904265327123268393))
# OUTPUT: 2001:db8::ff00:42:8329
Since Python 3.3 there is the ipaddress module that does exactly this job among others: Backports for Python 2.x are also available on PyPI.
Example usage:
import ipaddress
ip_in_int = int(ipaddress.ip_address(''))
ip_in_hex = hex(ipaddress.ip_address(''))
Convert IP to integer :
python -c "print sum( [int(i)*2**(8*j) for i,j in zip( ''.split('.'), [3,2,1,0]) ] )"
Convert Interger to IP :
python -c "print '.'.join( [ str((169090600 >> 8*i) % 256) for i in [3,2,1,0] ])"