I\'d just need a quick example on how to easily put an icon with python on my systray. This means: I run the program, no window shows up, just a tray icon (I\'ve got a png f
If you can guarantee windows and you do not want to introduce the heavy dependencies of wx, you can do this with the pywin32 extensions.
Also see this question.
2018 version
import wx.adv
import wx
TRAY_ICON = 'icon.png'
def create_menu_item(menu, label, func):
item = wx.MenuItem(menu, -1, label)
menu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, func, id=item.GetId())
return item
class TaskBarIcon(wx.adv.TaskBarIcon):
def __init__(self, frame):
self.frame = frame
super(TaskBarIcon, self).__init__()
self.Bind(wx.adv.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, self.on_left_down)
def CreatePopupMenu(self):
menu = wx.Menu()
create_menu_item(menu, 'Site', self.on_hello)
create_menu_item(menu, 'Exit', self.on_exit)
return menu
def set_icon(self, path):
icon = wx.Icon(path)
self.SetIcon(icon, TRAY_TOOLTIP)
def on_left_down(self, event):
print ('Tray icon was left-clicked.')
def on_hello(self, event):
print ('Hello, world!')
def on_exit(self, event):
class App(wx.App):
def OnInit(self):
return True
def main():
app = App(False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Yes. There is a cross-platform example on wiki.wxpython.org that I've tested with python 2.7 (minconda install) on macOS High Sierra (10.13.3), Windows 7, and gnome 3/centos7. It is here (ignore the page title): https://wiki.wxpython.org/Custom%20Mac%20OsX%20Dock%20Bar%20Icon
Small mods are needed for python 3.6:
Gnome 3 required installation of TopIcons Plus.
Since you don't want to have the window display (" no window shows up, just a tray icon"), simply comment out the following line (though you still want to keep the wx.Frame parent):
And since you want to use your own .png icon, remove the WXPdemo image and embeddedimage stuff and replace
icon = self.MakeIcon(WXPdemo.GetImage())
with, for example
icon = wx.Icon('icon.png')
In my experience, this will provide a good start for adapting or extending further.