In this page:
Directive Definition Object
If set to true then the curre
The priority is only relevant when you have multiple directives on one element. The priority determines in what order those directives will be applied/started. In most cases you wouldn't need a priority, but sometimes when you use the compile function, you want to make sure that your compile function runs first.
The terminal property is also only relevant for directives that are on the same HTML element. That is, if you have <div my-directive1></div> <div my-directive2></div>
, priority
and terminal
in your directives my-directive1
and my-directive2
won't affect each other. They will only affect each other if you have <div my-directive1 my-directive2></div>
The terminal property tells Angular to skip all directives on that element that comes after it (lower priority). So this code might clear it up:
myModule.directive('myDirective1', function() {
return {
priority: 1,
terminal: false,
link: function() {
console.log("I'm myDirective1");
myModule.directive('myDirective2', function() {
return {
priority: 10,
terminal: true,
link: function() {
console.log("I'm myDirective2");
myModule.directive('myDirective3', function() {
return {
priority: 100,
terminal: false,
link: function() {
console.log("I'm myDirective3");
For this, you'd only see "I'm myDirective2" and "I'm myDirective3" in the console.
<div my-directive1 my-directive2 my-directive3></div>
But for this, you'd see "I'm myDirective1" as well, since they are on different elements.
<div my-directive1></div>
<div my-directive2></div>
<div my-directive3></div>
Original post
In your example the directives with priority 100 and 1000 are the only ones that will get applied, since a directive with higher priority are applied first, so the one with priority 1000 will be applied first.
If you have two directives with priority 100 in this case, both of them will be applied because the order of directives with the same priority is undefined.
Note that this only applies to directives that are on the same element.