This came up while talking to a friend and I thought I\'d ask here since it\'s an interesting problem and would like to see other people\'s solutions.
The task is to
A simple F#/OCaml solution :
let total_bracket n =
let rec aux acc = function
| 0, 0 -> print_string (acc ^ "\n")
| 0, n -> aux (acc ^ ")") (0, n-1)
| n, 0 -> aux (acc ^ "(") (n-1, 1)
| n, c ->
aux (acc ^ "(") (n-1, c+1);
aux (acc ^ ")") (n, c-1)
aux "" (n, 0)
Another inefficient but elegant answer =>
public static Set<String> permuteParenthesis1(int num)
Set<String> result=new HashSet<String>();
if(num==0)//base case
return result;
Set<String> temp=permuteParenthesis1(num-1); // storing result from previous result.
for(String str : temp)
for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++)
result.add(insertParen(str, i)); // addinng `()` after every left parenthesis.
result.add("()"+str); // adding "()" to the beginning.
return result;
public static String insertParen(String str,int leftindex)
String left=str.substring(0, leftindex+1);
String right=str.substring(leftindex+1);
return left+"()"+right;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
void function(int n, string str, int open, int close)
if(open>n/2 || close>open)
if(open==close && open+close == n)
cout<<" "<<str<<endl;
function(n, str+"(", open+1, close);
function(n, str+")", open, close+1);
Caller - function(2*brackets, str, 0, 0);
The number of possible combinations is the Catalan number of N pairs C(n).
This problem was discussed on the forums pretty exentsively including iterative, recursive and iterative/bitshifting solutions. Some pretty cool stuff there.
Here is a quick recursive solution suggested on the forums in C#:
public void Brackets(int pairs) {
if (pairs > 1) Brackets(pairs - 1);
char[] output = new char[2 * pairs];
output[0] = '(';
output[1] = ')';
foo(output, 1, pairs - 1, pairs, pairs);
public void foo(char[] output, int index, int open, int close,
int pairs) {
int i;
if (index == 2 * pairs) {
for (i = 0; i < 2 * pairs; i++)
if (open != 0) {
output[index] = '(';
foo(output, index + 1, open - 1, close, pairs);
if ((close != 0) && (pairs - close + 1 <= pairs - open)) {
output[index] = ')';
foo(output, index + 1, open, close - 1, pairs);
(()) ()()
((())) (()()) (())() ()(()) ()()()
Here's another F# solution, favoring elegance over efficiency, although memoization would probably lead to a relatively well performing variant.
let rec parens = function
| 0 -> [""]
| n -> [for k in 0 .. n-1 do
for p1 in parens k do
for p2 in parens (n-k-1) ->
sprintf "(%s)%s" p1 p2]
Again, this only yields a list of those strings with exactly n pairs of parens (rather than at most n), but it's easy to wrap it.
ruby version:
def foo output, open, close, pairs
if open == pairs and close == pairs
p output
foo(output + '(', open+1, close, pairs) if open < pairs
foo(output + ')', open, close+1, pairs) if close < open
foo('', 0, 0, 3)