I have done some google-ing around and couldn\'t find enough information about this format. It is the default format for camera preview. Can anyone suggest good sources of i
NV21 is basically YUV420 but instead of planar format where Y, U and V have independent planes, NV21 has 1 plane for Luma and 2nd plane for Chroma. The format looks like
When you only need a grayscale camera preview, you could use a very simple renderscript:
# pragma version(1)
# pragma rs java_package_name(com.example.name)
# pragma rs_fp_relaxed
rs_allocation gIn; // Allocation filled with camera preview data (byte[])
int previewwidth; // camera preview width (int)
// the parallel executed kernel
void root(uchar4 *v_out, uint32_t x,uint32_t y){
uchar c = rsGetElementAt_uchar(gIn,x+y*previewwidth);
*v_out = (uchar4){c,c,c,255};
Note : This is not faster than ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB (and a following ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix to do the RGBA-> gray), but it runs with API 11+ (where the Intrinsics need Api 17+).
I also had lots of headache because of this preview format.
The best I could find are these:
It seems that the Y component is the first width*height bytes int the array you get.
Some more informational links:
Hope this helps.
The data is in YUV420 format.
If you are only interested in the monochrome channel, i.e. "black and white", then this the first width x height
bytes of the data buffer you already have.
The Y
channel is the first image plane. It is exactly the grey/intensity/luminosity etc. channel.
Here's code to just extract the greyscale image data:
private int[] decodeGreyscale(byte[] nv21, int width, int height) {
int pixelCount = width * height;
int[] out = new int[pixelCount];
for (int i = 0; i < pixelCount; ++i) {
int luminance = nv21[i] & 0xFF;
out[i] = Color.argb(0xFF, luminance, luminance, luminance);
return out;
I developed the following code to convert the NV21 to RGB, and it is working.
* Converts YUV420 NV21 to RGB8888
* @param data byte array on YUV420 NV21 format.
* @param width pixels width
* @param height pixels height
* @return a RGB8888 pixels int array. Where each int is a pixels ARGB.
public static int[] convertYUV420_NV21toRGB8888(byte [] data, int width, int height) {
int size = width*height;
int offset = size;
int[] pixels = new int[size];
int u, v, y1, y2, y3, y4;
// i percorre os Y and the final pixels
// k percorre os pixles U e V
for(int i=0, k=0; i < size; i+=2, k+=2) {
y1 = data[i ]&0xff;
y2 = data[i+1]&0xff;
y3 = data[width+i ]&0xff;
y4 = data[width+i+1]&0xff;
u = data[offset+k ]&0xff;
v = data[offset+k+1]&0xff;
u = u-128;
v = v-128;
pixels[i ] = convertYUVtoRGB(y1, u, v);
pixels[i+1] = convertYUVtoRGB(y2, u, v);
pixels[width+i ] = convertYUVtoRGB(y3, u, v);
pixels[width+i+1] = convertYUVtoRGB(y4, u, v);
if (i!=0 && (i+2)%width==0)
return pixels;
private static int convertYUVtoRGB(int y, int u, int v) {
int r,g,b;
r = y + (int)(1.402f*v);
g = y - (int)(0.344f*u +0.714f*v);
b = y + (int)(1.772f*u);
r = r>255? 255 : r<0 ? 0 : r;
g = g>255? 255 : g<0 ? 0 : g;
b = b>255? 255 : b<0 ? 0 : b;
return 0xff000000 | (b<<16) | (g<<8) | r;
This image helps to understand.
If you wanna just grayscale image is easer. You can discard all the U and V info, and take just the Y info. The code would can be like this:
* Converts YUV420 NV21 to Y888 (RGB8888). The grayscale image still holds 3 bytes on the pixel.
* @param pixels output array with the converted array o grayscale pixels
* @param data byte array on YUV420 NV21 format.
* @param width pixels width
* @param height pixels height
public static void applyGrayScale(int [] pixels, byte [] data, int width, int height) {
int p;
int size = width*height;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
p = data[i] & 0xFF;
pixels[i] = 0xff000000 | p<<16 | p<<8 | p;
To create your Bitmap just:
Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(pixels, width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Where pixels is your int [] array.