Just for the fun of it, here's a version written in (SWI-)PROLOG:
common_pre([[C|Cs]|Ss], [C|Res]) :-
maplist(head_tail(C), [[C|Cs]|Ss], RemSs), !,
common_pre(RemSs, Res).
common_pre(_, []).
head_tail(H, [H|T], T).
?- S=["interspecies", "interstelar", "interstate"], common_pre(S, CP), string_to_list(CPString, CP).
CP = [105, 110, 116, 101, 114, 115],
CPString = "inters".
(SWI-)PROLOG treats strings as lists of character codes (numbers). All the predicate common_pre/2
does is recursively pattern-match to select the first code (C
) from the head of the first list (string, [C|Cs]
) in the list of all lists (all strings, [[C|Cs]|Ss]
), and appends the matching code C
to the result iff it is common to all (remaining) heads of all lists (strings), else it terminates.
Nice, clean, simple and efficient... :)