You know, we can wrap or store a lambda function to a std::function
int main()
It uses some type erasure technique.
One possibility is to use mix subtype polymorphism with templates. Here's a simplified version, just to give a feel for the overall structure:
template <typename T>
struct function;
template <typename Result, typename... Args>
struct function<Result(Args...)> {
// this is the bit that will erase the actual type
struct concept {
virtual Result operator()(Args...) const = 0;
// this template provides us derived classes from `concept`
// that can store and invoke op() for any type
template <typename T>
struct model : concept {
template <typename U>
model(U&& u) : t(std::forward<U>(u)) {}
Result operator()(Args... a) const override {
T t;
// this is the actual storage
// note how the `model<?>` type is not used here
std::unique_ptr<concept> fn;
// construct a `model<T>`, but store it as a pointer to `concept`
// this is where the erasure "happens"
template <typename T,
typename=typename std::enable_if<
decltype( t(std::declval<Args>()...) ),
function(T&& t)
: fn(new model<typename std::decay<T>::type>(std::forward<T>(t))) {}
// do the virtual call
Result operator()(Args... args) const {
return (*fn)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
(Note that I overlooked several things for the sake of simplicity: it cannot be copied, and maybe other problems; don't use this code in real code)