I have an insert query (active record style) used to insert the form fields into a MySQL table. I want to get the last auto-incremented id for the insert operation as the re
From the documentation:
The insert ID number when performing database inserts.
Therefore, you could use something like this:
$lastid = $this->db->insert_id();
**Inside Model**
function add_info($data){
$last_id = $this->db->insert_id();
return $last_id;
**Inside Controller**
public function save_user_record() {
$insertId = $this->welcome_model->save_user_info($data);
echo $insertId->id;
Just to complete this topic: If you set up your table with primary key and auto increment you can omit the process of manually incrementing the id.
Check out this example
if (!$CI->db->table_exists(db_prefix() . 'my_table_name')) {
$CI->db->query('CREATE TABLE `' . db_prefix() . "my_table_name` (
`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
`hash` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`url` varchar(120) NOT NULL,
`datecreated` datetime NOT NULL,
`active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=" . $CI->db->char_set . ';');
Now you can insert rows
$this->db->insert(db_prefix(). 'my_table_name', [
'name' => $data['name'],
'hash' => app_generate_hash(),
'url' => $data['url'],
'datecreated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'active' => $data['active']
$id = $this->db->insert_id();
You must use $lastId = $this->db->insert_id();
A transaction isn't needed here, this should suffice:
function add_post($post_data) {
return $this->db->insert_id();