How to efficiently use Rprof in R?

前端 未结 4 1491
深忆病人 2020-11-28 01:50

I would like to know if it is possible to get a profile from R-Code in a way that is similar to matlab\'s Profiler. That is, to get to know which l

  • 2020-11-28 02:08

    Alert readers of yesterdays breaking news (R 3.0.0 is finally out) may have noticed something interesting that is directly relevant to this question:

    • Profiling via Rprof() now optionally records information at the statement level, not just the function level.

    And indeed, this new feature answers my question and I will show how.

    Let's say, we want to compare whether vectorizing and pre-allocating are really better than good old for-loops and incremental building of data in calculating a summary statistic such as the mean. The, relatively stupid, code is the following:

    # create big data frame:
    n <- 1000
    x <- data.frame(group = sample(letters[1:4], n, replace=TRUE), condition = sample(LETTERS[1:10], n, replace = TRUE), data = rnorm(n))
    # reasonable operations:
    marginal.means.1 <- aggregate(data ~ group + condition, data = x, FUN=mean)
    # unreasonable operations:
    marginal.means.2 <- marginal.means.1[NULL,]
    row.counter <- 1
    for (condition in levels(x$condition)) {
      for (group in levels(x$group)) {  
        tmp.value <- 0
        tmp.length <- 0
        for (c in 1:nrow(x)) {
          if ((x[c,"group"] == group) & (x[c,"condition"] == condition)) {
            tmp.value <- tmp.value + x[c,"data"]
            tmp.length <- tmp.length + 1
        marginal.means.2[row.counter,"group"] <- group 
        marginal.means.2[row.counter,"condition"] <- condition
        marginal.means.2[row.counter,"data"] <- tmp.value / tmp.length
        row.counter <- row.counter + 1
    # does it produce the same results?
    all.equal(marginal.means.1, marginal.means.2)

    To use this code with Rprof, we need to parse it. That is, it needs to be saved in a file and then called from there. Hence, I uploaded it to pastebin, but it works exactly the same with local files.

    Now, we

    • simply create a profile file and indicate that we want to save the line number,
    • source the code with the incredible combination eval(parse(..., keep.source = TRUE)) (seemingly the infamous fortune(106) does not apply here, as I haven't found another way)
    • stop the profiling and indicate that we want the output based on the line numbers.

    The code is:

    Rprof("profile1.out", line.profiling=TRUE)
    eval(parse(file = "", keep.source=TRUE))
    summaryRprof("profile1.out", lines = "show")

    Which gives:

                               self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#17      8.04    64.11       8.04     64.11
    <no location>                   4.38    34.93       4.38     34.93
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#16      0.06     0.48       0.06      0.48
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#18      0.02     0.16       0.02      0.16
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#23      0.02     0.16       0.02      0.16
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#6       0.02     0.16       0.02      0.16
                               total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#17       8.04     64.11      8.04    64.11
    <no location>                    4.38     34.93      4.38    34.93
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#16       0.06      0.48      0.06     0.48
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#18       0.02      0.16      0.02     0.16
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#23       0.02      0.16      0.02     0.16
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#6        0.02      0.16      0.02     0.16
                               self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
    <no location>                   4.38    34.93       4.38     34.93
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#6       0.02     0.16       0.02      0.16
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#16      0.06     0.48       0.06      0.48
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#17      8.04    64.11       8.04     64.11
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#18      0.02     0.16       0.02      0.16
    download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#23      0.02     0.16       0.02      0.16
    [1] 0.02
    [1] 12.54

    Checking the source code tells us that the problematic line (#17) is indeed the stupid if-statement in the for-loop. Compared with basically no time for calculating the same using vectorized code (line #6).

    I haven't tried it with any graphical output, but I am already very impressed by what I got so far.

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  • 2020-11-28 02:14

    I currently have R uninstalled here, but in SPlus you can interrupt the execution with the Escape key, and then do traceback(), which will show you the call stack. That should enable you to use this handy method.

    Here are some reasons why tools built on the same concepts as gprof are not very good at locating performance problems.

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  • 2020-11-28 02:14

    A different solution comes from a different question: how to effectively use library(profr) in R:

    For example:

    x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), 100)
    x[x>1] <- NA
    a <- profr(kNN_impute(x, k=5, q=2), interval= 0.005)

    It doesn't seem (to me at least), like the plots are at all helpful here (eg plot(a)). But the data structure itself does seem to suggest a solution:

    R> head(a, 10)
       level g_id t_id                f start   end n  leaf  time     source
    9      1    1    1       kNN_impute 0.005 0.190 1 FALSE 0.185 imputation
    10     2    1    1        var_tests 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005       <NA>
    11     2    2    1            apply 0.010 0.190 1 FALSE 0.180       base
    12     3    1    1         var.test 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005      stats
    13     3    2    1              FUN 0.010 0.110 1 FALSE 0.100       <NA>
    14     3    2    2              FUN 0.115 0.190 1 FALSE 0.075       <NA>
    15     4    1    1 var.test.default 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005       <NA>
    16     4    2    1           sapply 0.010 0.040 1 FALSE 0.030       base
    17     4    3    1    dist_q.matrix 0.040 0.045 1 FALSE 0.005 imputation
    18     4    4    1           sapply 0.045 0.075 1 FALSE 0.030       base

    Single iteration solution:

    That is the data structure suggests the use of tapply to summarize the data. This can be done quite simply for a single run of profr::profr

    t <- tapply(a$time, paste(a$source, a$f, sep= "::"), sum)
    t[order(t)] # time / function
    R> round(t[order(t)] / sum(t), 4) # percentage of total time / function
    base::!                    base::%in%                       base::|           base::anyDuplicated 
                           0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
                          base::c                 base::deparse                     base::get                   base::match 
                           0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
                       base::mget                     base::min                       base::t                   methods::el 
                           0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
              methods::getGeneric        NA::.findMethodInTable               NA::.getGeneric      NA::.getGenericFromCache 
                           0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
    NA::.getGenericFromCacheTable                   NA::.identC             NA::.newSignature        NA::.quickCoerceSelect 
                           0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
                    NA::.sigLabel          NA::var.test.default                 NA::var_tests               stats::var.test 
                           0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
                      base::paste                 methods::as<-     NA::.findInheritedMethods        NA::.getClassFromCache 
                           0.0030                        0.0030                        0.0030                        0.0030 
                   NA::doTryCatch              NA::tryCatchList               NA::tryCatchOne               base::crossprod 
                           0.0030                        0.0030                        0.0030                        0.0045 
                        base::try                base::tryCatch          methods::getClassDef      methods::possibleExtends 
                           0.0045                        0.0045                        0.0045                        0.0045 
              methods::loadMethod                   methods::is     imputation::dist_q.matrix          methods::validObject 
                           0.0075                        0.0090                        0.0120                        0.0136 
           NA::.findNextFromTable        methods::addNextMethod               NA::.nextMethod                  base::lapply 
                           0.0166                        0.0346                        0.0361                        0.0392 
                     base::sapply     imputation::impute_fn_knn                  methods::new        imputation::kNN_impute 
                           0.0392                        0.0392                        0.0437                        0.0557 
          methods::callNextMethod      kernlab::as.kernelMatrix                   base::apply         kernlab::kernelMatrix 
                           0.0572                        0.0633                        0.0663                        0.0753 
              methods::initialize                       NA::FUN         base::standardGeneric 
                           0.0798                        0.0994                        0.1325 

    From this, I can see that the biggest time users are kernlab::kernelMatrix and the overhead from R for S4 classes and generics.


    I note that, given the stochastic nature of the sampling process, I prefer to use averages to get a more robust picture of the time profile:

    prof_list <- replicate(100, profr(kNN_impute(x, k=5, q=2), 
        interval= 0.005), simplify = FALSE)
    fun_timing <- vector("list", length= 100)
    for (i in 1:100) {
      fun_timing[[i]] <- tapply(prof_list[[i]]$time, paste(prof_list[[i]]$source, prof_list[[i]]$f, sep= "::"), sum)
    # Here is where the stochastic nature of the profiler complicates things.
    # Because of randomness, each replication may have slightly different 
    # functions called during profiling
    sapply(fun_timing, function(x) {length(names(x))})
    # we can also see some clearly odd replications (at least in my attempt)
    > sapply(fun_timing, sum)
    [1]    2.820    5.605    2.325    2.895    3.195    2.695    2.495    2.315    2.005    2.475    4.110    2.705    2.180    2.760
     [15] 3130.240    3.435    7.675    7.155    5.205    3.760    7.335    7.545    8.155    8.175    6.965    5.820    8.760    7.345
     [29]    9.815    7.965    6.370    4.900    5.720    4.530    6.220    3.345    4.055    3.170    3.725    7.780    7.090    7.670
     [43]    5.400    7.635    7.125    6.905    6.545    6.855    7.185    7.610    2.965    3.865    3.875    3.480    7.770    7.055
     [57]    8.870    8.940   10.130    9.730    5.205    5.645    3.045    2.535    2.675    2.695    2.730    2.555    2.675    2.270
     [71]    9.515    4.700    7.270    2.950    6.630    8.370    9.070    7.950    3.250    4.405    3.475    6.420 2948.265    3.470
     [85]    3.320    3.640    2.855    3.315    2.560    2.355    2.300    2.685    2.855    2.540    2.480    2.570    3.345    2.145
     [99]    2.620    3.650

    Removing the unusual replications and converting to data.frames:

    fun_timing <- fun_timing[-c(15,83)]
    fun_timing2 <- lapply(fun_timing, function(x) {
      ret <- data.frame(fun= names(x), time= x)
      dimnames(ret)[[1]] <- 1:nrow(ret)

    Merge replications (almost certainly could be faster) and examine results:

    # function for merging DF's in a list
    merge_recursive <- function(list, ...) {
      n <- length(list)
      df <- data.frame(list[[1]])
      for (i in 2:n) {
        df <- merge(df, list[[i]], ... = ...)
    # merge
    fun_time <- merge_recursive(fun_timing2, by= "fun", all= FALSE)
    # do some munging
    fun_time2 <- data.frame(fun=fun_time[,1], avg_time=apply(fun_time[,-1], 1, mean, na.rm=T))
    fun_time2$avg_pct <- fun_time2$avg_time / sum(fun_time2$avg_time)
    fun_time2 <- fun_time2[order(fun_time2$avg_time, decreasing=TRUE),]
    # examine results
    R> head(fun_time2, 15)
                             fun  avg_time    avg_pct
    4      base::standardGeneric 0.6760714 0.14745123
    20                   NA::FUN 0.4666327 0.10177262
    12       methods::initialize 0.4488776 0.09790023
    9      kernlab::kernelMatrix 0.3522449 0.07682464
    8   kernlab::as.kernelMatrix 0.3215816 0.07013698
    11   methods::callNextMethod 0.2986224 0.06512958
    1                base::apply 0.2893367 0.06310437
    7     imputation::kNN_impute 0.2433163 0.05306731
    14              methods::new 0.2309184 0.05036331
    10    methods::addNextMethod 0.2012245 0.04388708
    3               base::sapply 0.1875000 0.04089377
    2               base::lapply 0.1865306 0.04068234
    6  imputation::impute_fn_knn 0.1827551 0.03985890
    19           NA::.nextMethod 0.1790816 0.03905772
    18    NA::.findNextFromTable 0.1003571 0.02188790


    From the results, a similar but more robust picture emerges as with a single case. Namely, there is a lot of overhead from R and also that library(kernlab) is slowing me down. Of note, since kernlab is implemented in S4, the overhead in R is related since S4 classes are substantially slower than S3 classes.

    I'd also note that my personal opinion is that a cleaned up version of this might be a useful pull request as a summary method for profr. Although I'd be interested to see others' suggestions!

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  • 2020-11-28 02:18

    Update: This function has been re-written to deal with line numbers. It's on github here.

    I wrote this function to parse the file from Rprof and output a table of somewhat clearer results than summaryRprof. It displays the full stack of functions (and line numbers if line.profiling=TRUE), and their relative contribution to run time:

    proftable <- function(file, lines=10) {
    # require(plyr)
      interval <- as.numeric(strsplit(readLines(file, 1), "=")[[1L]][2L])/1e+06
      profdata <- read.table(file, header=FALSE, sep=" ", comment.char = "",
                             colClasses="character", skip=1, fill=TRUE,
      filelines <- grep("#File", profdata[,1])
      files <- aaply(as.matrix(profdata[filelines,]), 1, function(x) {
                            paste(na.omit(x), collapse = " ") })
      profdata <- profdata[-filelines,]
      total.time <- interval*nrow(profdata)
      profdata <- as.matrix(profdata[,ncol(profdata):1])
      profdata <- aaply(profdata, 1, function(x) {
      stringtable <- table(apply(profdata, 1, paste, collapse=" "))
      uniquerows <- strsplit(names(stringtable), " ")
      uniquerows <- llply(uniquerows, function(x) replace(x, which(x=="NA"), NA))
      dimnames(stringtable) <- NULL
      stacktable <- ldply(uniquerows, function(x) x)
      stringtable <- stringtable/sum(stringtable)*100
      stacktable <- data.frame(PctTime=stringtable[], stacktable)
      stacktable <- stacktable[order(stringtable, decreasing=TRUE),]
      rownames(stacktable) <- NULL
      stacktable <- head(stacktable, lines)
      na.cols <- which(sapply(stacktable, function(x) all(
      stacktable <- stacktable[-na.cols]
      parent.cols <- which(sapply(stacktable, function(x) length(unique(x)))==1) <- paste0(paste(stacktable[1,parent.cols], collapse = " > ")," >")
      stacktable <- stacktable[,-parent.cols]
      calls <- aaply(as.matrix(stacktable[2:ncol(stacktable)]), 1, function(x) {
                       paste(na.omit(x), collapse= " > ")
      stacktable <- data.frame(PctTime=stacktable$PctTime, Call=calls)
      frac <- sum(stacktable$PctTime)
      attr(stacktable, "total.time") <- total.time
      attr(stacktable, "") <-
      attr(stacktable, "files") <- files
      attr(stacktable, "total.pct.time") <- frac
      print(stacktable, row.names=FALSE, right=FALSE, digits=3)
      cat(paste(files, collapse="\n"))
      cat(paste("\nParent Call:",
      cat(paste("\n\nTotal Time:", total.time, "seconds\n"))
      cat(paste0("Percent of run time represented: ", format(frac, digits=3)), "%")

    Running this on the Henrik's example file, I get this:

    > Rprof("profile1.out", line.profiling=TRUE)
    > source("")
    > Rprof(NULL)
    > proftable("profile1.out", lines=10)
     PctTime Call                                                      
     20.47   1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame                            
      9.73   1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > [ > [.factor             
      8.72   1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > [ > [.factor > NextMethod
      8.39   == > Ops.factor                                           
      5.37   ==                                                        
      5.03   == > Ops.factor > noNA.levels > levels                    
      4.70   == > Ops.factor > NextMethod                              
      4.03   1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > [ > [.factor > levels    
      4.03   1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > dim                      
      3.36   1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > length                   
    #File 1:
    Parent Call: source > withVisible > eval > eval >
    Total Time: 5.96 seconds
    Percent of run time represented: 73.8 %

    Note that the "Parent Call" applies to all the stacks represented on the table. This makes is useful when your IDE or whatever calls your code wraps it in a bunch of functions.

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