When writing a iPhone / iPad app with a UIWebView, the console isn\'t visible. this excellent answer shows how to trap errors, but I would like to use the console.log() as w
Here's the Swift solution: (It's a bit of a hack to get the context)
You create the UIWebView.
Get the internal context and override the console.log() javascript function.
self.webView = UIWebView()
self.webView.delegate = self
let context = self.webView.valueForKeyPath("documentView.webView.mainFrame.javaScriptContext") as! JSContext
let logFunction : @convention(block) (String) -> Void =
(msg: String) in
NSLog("Console: %@", msg)
context.objectForKeyedSubscript("console").setObject(unsafeBitCast(logFunction, AnyObject.self),
forKeyedSubscript: "log")