Is there a fast way of getting all column names from all tables in MySQL
, without having to list all the tables?
I wrote this silly thing a long time ago and still actually use it now and then:
Basically, it does a "SHOW TABLES", then a "DESCRIBE " on each table, then spits it out as markdown.
Just edit below the "if name" and go. You'll need to have pymysql installed.
it is better that you use the following query to get all column names easily
Show columns from tablename
select * from information_schema.columns
where table_schema = 'your_db'
order by table_name,ordinal_position
To list all the fields from a table in MySQL:
select *
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema = 'your_DB_name'
and table_name = 'Your_tablename'