I have followed these instructions below to upload a project.
Global setup:
Download and install Git
git config --global user.name \"Your Name\"
My problem was that it didn't work with a passphrase on my private key.
Hope that helps someone.
Use ubuntu on windows store
windows subsystem for linux
, your git push will work across different accounts.
I faced a similar issue when running SSH or Git Clone in Windows. Following findings helps to solve my problem:
Also, I think there a way to “tell” git to use the default .ssh folder in home folder but still need to figure out how.
I also have this problem today. The solution is setting your "ssh key". Click the url below, follow the steps, then you will sovle it.
I had the same issue on windows. I switched from SSH to HTTPS and ran a Git PUSH.
git push -u origin master
Username for 'https://github.com': <Github login email>
Password for <Github login>: xxx
Successful! hope this helps.
If you are using a linux machine then check,
Generating new SSH keys and adding them to my Github account solved my problem. You can look into this page for more details. GitHelp.