getString Outside of a Context or Activity

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遥遥无期 2020-11-28 01:12

I\'ve found the R.string pretty awesome for keeping hardcoded strings out of my code, and I\'d like to keep using it in a utility class that works with models i

  • 2020-11-28 01:26

    In MyApplication, which extends Application:

    public static Resources resources;

    In MyApplication's onCreate:

    resources = getResources();

    Now you can use this field from anywhere in your application.

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  • 2020-11-28 01:30

    It's better to use something like this without context and activity:

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  • 2020-11-28 01:31

    BTW, one of the reason of symbol not found error may be that your IDE imported android.R; class instead of yours one. Just change import android.R; to import your.namespace.R;

    So 2 basic things to get string visible in the different class:

    //make sure you are importing the right R class
    import your.namespace.R;
    //don't forget about the context
    public void some_method(Context context) {
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  • 2020-11-28 01:33

    If you have a class that you use in an activity and you want to have access the ressource in that class, I recommend you to define a context as a private variable in class and initial it in constructor:

    public class MyClass (){
        private Context context;
        public MyClass(Context context){
        public testResource(){
           String s=context.getString(R.string.testString).toString();

    Making an instant of class in your activity:

    MyClass m=new MyClass(this);
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  • 2020-11-28 01:34

    Unfortunately, the only way you can access any of the string resources is with a Context (i.e. an Activity or Service). What I've usually done in this case, is to simply require the caller to pass in the context.

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  • 2020-11-28 01:35

    Somehow didn't like the hacky solutions of storing static values so came up with a bit longer but a clean version which can be tested as well.

    Found 2 possible ways to do it-

    1. Pass context.resources as a parameter to your class where you want the string resource. Fairly simple. If passing as param is not possible, use the setter.


    data class MyModel(val resources: Resources) {
        fun getNameString(): String {
    1. Use the data-binding (requires fragment/activity though)

    Before you read: This version uses Data binding


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <layout xmlns:android=""
            type="String" />
            android:text="@{someStringFetchedFromRes}" />


    val binding = NameOfYourBinding.inflate(inflater)
    binding.someStringFetchedFromRes = resources.getString(R.string.someStringFetchedFromRes)

    Sometimes, you need to change the text based on a field in a model. So you would data-bind that model as well and since your activity/fragment knows about the model, you can very well fetch the value and then data-bind the string based on that.

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