The use case is to convert an array of objects into a hash map based on string or function provided to evaluate and use as the key in the hash map and val
Using ES6 Map (pretty well supported), you can try this:
var arr = [
{ key: 'foo', val: 'bar' },
{ key: 'hello', val: 'world' }
var result = new Map( => [i.key, i.val]));
// When using TypeScript, need to specify type:
// var result = [string, string] => [i.key, i.val])
// Unfortunately maps don't stringify well. This is the contents in array form.
console.log("Result is: " + JSON.stringify([...result]));
// Map {"foo" => "bar", "hello" => "world"}
With lodash, this can be done using keyBy:
var arr = [
{ key: 'foo', val: 'bar' },
{ key: 'hello', val: 'world' }
var result = _.keyBy(arr, o => o.key);
// Object {foo: Object, hello: Object}
es2015 version:
const myMap = new Map( => [ obj.key, obj.val ]));
Following is small snippet i've created in javascript to convert array of objects to hash map, indexed by attribute value of object. You can provide a function to evaluate the key of hash map dynamically (run time).
function isFunction(func){
return === '[object Function]';
* This function converts an array to hash map
* @param {String | function} key describes the key to be evaluated in each object to use as key for hasmap
* @returns Object
* @Example
* [{id:123, name:'naveen'}, {id:345, name:"kumar"}].toHashMap("id")
Returns :- Object {123: Object, 345: Object}
[{id:123, name:'naveen'}, {id:345, name:"kumar"}].toHashMap(function(obj){return})
Returns :- Object {124: Object, 346: Object}
Array.prototype.toHashMap = function(key){
var _hashMap = {}, getKey = isFunction(key)?key: function(_obj){return _obj[key];};
this.forEach(function (obj){
_hashMap[getKey(obj)] = obj;
return _hashMap;
You can find the gist here :