I am writing a node.js app on Heroku and using the pg module. I can\'t figure out the \"right\" way to get a client object for each request that I need to query the database
I was interested in a very simple handler for this so I made my own without making it over complicated. I'm under no illusions that it's super basic but it could help some people get started. Basically, it connects, runs queries and handles errors for you.
function runQuery(queryString, callback) {
// connect to postgres database
pg.connect(postgresDatabase.url,function(err,client,done) {
// if error, stop here
if (err) {console.error(err); done(); callback(); return;}
// execute queryString
client.query(queryString,function(err,result) {
// if error, stop here
if (err) {console.error(err+'\nQuery: '+queryString); done(); callback(); return;}
// callback to close connection
// callback with results
Then you would use by calling it this way:
runQuery("SELECT * FROM table", function(result) {
// Whatever you need to do with 'result'