I wanted to start a simple hello world app for Angular.
When I followed the instructions in the official quickstart the installation created 32,000 files in my proje
Typical Angular2 Project
NPM Package Files (Development) Real World Files (Deployment)
@angular 3,236 1
rxJS 1,349 1*
core-js 1,341 2
typings 1,488 0
gulp 1,218 0
gulp-typescript 1,243 0
lite-server 5,654 0
systemjs-builder 6,470 0
Total 21,999 3
: bundled with @angular
[ see this for bundling process ⇗ ]
There is nothing wrong with your development configuration.
Something wrong with your production configuration.
When you develop a "Angular 2 Project" or "Any Project Which is based on JS" you can use all files, you can try all files, you can import all files. But if you want to serve this project you need to COMBINE all structured files and get rid of useless files.
There are a lot of options for combine these files together: