I find grep
\'s --color=always
flag to be tremendously useful. However, grep only prints lines with matches (unless you ask for context lines). Give
You can use my highlight
script from https://github.com/kepkin/dev-shell-essentials
It's better than grep
because you can highlight each match with its own color.
$ command_here | highlight green "input" | highlight red "output"
If you want highlight several patterns with different colors see this bash script.
Basic usage:
echo warn error debug info 10 nil | colog
You can change patterns and colors while running pressing one key and then enter key.
As grep -E '|pattern'
has already been suggested, just wanted to clarify it's possible to highlight the whole line too.
For example tail -f /somelog | grep --color -E '| \[2].*'
I use rcg from "Linux Server Hacks", O'Reilly. It's perfect for what you want and can highlight multiple expressions each with different colours.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# regexp coloured glasses - from Linux Server Hacks from O'Reilly
# eg .rcg "fatal" "BOLD . YELLOW . ON_WHITE" /var/adm/messages
use strict;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
my %target = ( );
while (my $arg = shift) {
my $clr = shift;
if (($arg =~ /^-/) | !$clr) {
print "Usage: rcg [regex] [color] [regex] [color] ...\n";
# Ugly, lazy, pathetic hack here. [Unquote]
$target{$arg} = eval($clr);
my $rst = RESET;
while(<>) {
foreach my $x (keys(%target)) {
Here's my approach, inspired by @kepkin's solution:
# Adds ANSI colors to matched terms, similar to grep --color but without
# filtering unmatched lines. Example:
# noisy_command | highlight ERROR INFO
# Each argument is passed into sed as a matching pattern and matches are
# colored. Multiple arguments will use separate colors.
# Inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/a/25357856
highlight() {
# color cycles from 0-5, (shifted 31-36), i.e. r,g,y,b,m,c
local color=0 patterns=()
for term in "$@"; do
patterns+=("$(printf 's|%s|\e[%sm\\0\e[0m|g' "${term//|/\\|}" "$(( color+31 ))")")
color=$(( (color+1) % 6 ))
sed -f <(printf '%s\n' "${patterns[@]}")
This accepts multiple arguments (but doesn't let you customize the colors). Example:
$ noisy_command | highlight ERROR WARN
another dirty way:
grep -A80 -B80 --color FIND_THIS IN_FILE
I did an
alias grepa='grep -A80 -B80 --color'
in bashrc.