It seems that the filter
of sniff
function does not work properly.
I m executing the sniff with the following filter
I had the same problem with Centos on VM. I used ip host for filter instead of host. That seem to have fixed the issue in my case.
Wrong Filter#
>>> packets = sniff (filter = "host", count =2, iface = "eth0", timeout =10)
>>> packets.summary()
Ether / IP / UDP > / NBNSQueryRequest
Ether / IP / TCP > A / Padding
>>> packets = sniff (filter = "ip host", count =2, iface = "eth0", timeout =10)
Did not have any issues after this.
You can check into the syntax of filters in the following site I was facing similar kinds of problems and it worked for me.
You might like to refer to this question:
You can also try to test your program by opening the required ports before running code.
the sniff function need tcpdump to apply "filter". If there is no tcpdump, scapy reports a warning but doesn't throw. You can enable logging to check it.
import logging
import sys
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
from scapy.all import *
I had the same or similar problem - the sniff filter did not work.
Installing tcpdump solved the problem for me.
There are known bugs with the filter function (especially when using the local loopback network!). It is advised to use lfilter (and depending on your needs also a stop_filter):
Example usage:
lfilter=lambda p: any(proto in [14010]) for proto in [TCP]),
stop_filter =lambda x: x.haslayer(TCP)
For more details on the lfilter see also: