The notorious yet unaswered issue of downloading a file when windows security is required

后端 未结 2 1863
清酒与你 2020-11-27 23:57

There is a web site: which prompts for credentials with \"windows security\" dialog box. So I managed to use WebBrowser control to navigate to the pag

  • 2020-11-28 00:19
    1. Not possible, AFAIK. WebClient and WebBrowser use different layers to access web. WebClient uses WinHTTP, WebBrowser uses UrlMon. Thus, they would have separate sessions (including the authentication cache).

    2. That's possible, just use any of UrlMon APIs to download the file, e.g. URLDownloadToFile or URLDownloadToCacheFile. I've just answered a similar question.

    On a side note, you don't have to feed in keystrokes to provide authentication credentials. You can implement IAuthenticateEx on WebBrowser site object for this. Here is more info.

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  • 2020-11-28 00:19

    So this is the working solution which meets the requirements given in my question. It automatically navigates to the specified website, authenticates and downloads a generated report. I used this Q/A as an outline.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Security.Authentication;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Security.Policy;
    namespace margot_report
        public interface IOleObject
            void SetClientSite(IOleClientSite pClientSite);
        public interface IOleClientSite
            void SaveObject();
            void GetMoniker(uint dwAssign, uint dwWhichMoniker, object ppmk);
            void GetContainer(object ppContainer);
            void ShowObject();
            void OnShowWindow(bool fShow);
            void RequestNewObjectLayout();
        public interface IServiceProvider
            [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)]
            int QueryService(ref Guid guidService, ref Guid riid, out IntPtr
        interface IAuthenticate
            [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
            void Authenticate(IntPtr phwnd,
             [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] ref string pszUsername,
             [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] ref string pszPassword);
        class SelfAuthenticatingWebBrowser : WebBrowser, IOleClientSite, IAuthenticate, IServiceProvider
            public static Guid IID_IAuthenticate = new Guid("79eac9d0-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b");
            public static Guid SID_IAuthenticate = new Guid("79eac9d0-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b");
            public const int INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION = unchecked((int)0x800C0011);
            public const int S_OK = unchecked((int)0x00000000);
            public void Authenticate(IntPtr phwnd, ref string pszUsername, ref string pszPassword)
                pszUsername = Program.username; //
                pszPassword = Program.password; // 
                //return S_OK;
            public int QueryService(ref Guid guidService, ref Guid riid, out IntPtr ppvObject)
                int nRet = guidService.CompareTo(IID_IAuthenticate); // Zero returned if the compared objects are equal
                if (nRet == 0)
                    nRet = riid.CompareTo(IID_IAuthenticate); // Zero returned if the compared objects are equal
                    if (nRet == 0)
                        ppvObject = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(this,
                        return S_OK;
                ppvObject = new IntPtr();
                return INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION;
            public void SaveObject()
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            public void GetMoniker(uint dwAssign, uint dwWhichMoniker, object ppmk)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            public void GetContainer(object ppContainer)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            public void ShowObject()
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            public void OnShowWindow(bool fShow)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            public void RequestNewObjectLayout()
                throw new NotImplementedException();
    public IComponent  Component
        get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public IContainer  Container
        get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public bool  DesignMode
        get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public string  Name
            throw new NotImplementedException(); 
            throw new NotImplementedException(); 
        class Program 
            static bool send = true, verbose=false, clicked=false, submitted=false;
            static int c = 0, t=0;
            public static string filename, report, username, password;
            /// <summary>
    /// The URLMON library contains this function, URLDownloadToFile, which is a way
    /// to download files without user prompts.  The ExecWB( _SAVEAS ) function always
    /// prompts the user, even if _DONTPROMPTUSER parameter is specified, for "internet
    /// security reasons".  This function gets around those reasons.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pCaller">Pointer to caller object (AX).</param>
    /// <param name="szURL">String of the URL.</param>
    /// <param name="szFileName">String of the destination filename/path.</param>
    /// <param name="dwReserved">[reserved].</param>
    /// <param name="lpfnCB">A callback function to monitor progress or abort.</param>
    /// <returns>0 for okay.</returns>
    [DllImport("URLMON.DLL", EntryPoint = "URLDownloadToFileW", SetLastError = true,
             CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true,
             CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern int URLDownloadToFile(int pCaller, string srcURL,
        string dstFile, int Reserved, int CallBack);
            static void Main(string[] args)
    //            HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
    ////webRequest.Proxy = webProxy;
               string appname = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0];
                 if (args.Count() < 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Type: \"{0}\" -h for help on usage.\n", appname);
                if (args.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var s in args)
                        if (s.Contains("-h") || s.Contains("/h") || s.Contains("-?") || s.Contains("/?"))
                            Console.WriteLine("\nUsage: {0} [-rfupv] <values>\n", appname);
                            Console.WriteLine("\n -r report_link ");
                            Console.WriteLine(" -f output_file ");
                            Console.WriteLine(" -u username   ");
                            Console.WriteLine(" -p password   ");
                            Console.WriteLine(" -t time_delay - seconds to wait before sending key strokes");
                            Console.WriteLine(" -v                  verbose output to console (for debugging)");
                            Console.WriteLine(" -h|?                Display this info and exit.");
                    if (args.Any(x => x.Contains("-f")))
                        int i = 0;
                        while (!args[i].Contains("-f")) i++;
                        filename =args[i + 1];
                    else filename = "report.csv";
                    if (args.Any(x => x.Contains("-r")))
                        int i = 0;
                        while (!args[i].Contains("-r")) i++;
                        report = args[i + 1];
                    else report = "";
                    if (args.Any(x => x.Contains("-u")))
                        int i = 0;
                        while (!args[i].Contains("-u")) i++;
                        username = args[i + 1];
                    else username = "";
                     if (args.Any(x => x.Contains("-p")))
                        int i = 0;
                        while (!args[i].Contains("-p")) i++;
                        password = args[i + 1];
                    else password = "";
                     if (args.Any(x => x.Contains("-t")))
                         int i = 0;
                         while (!args[i].Contains("-t")) i++;
                         t = int.Parse(args[i + 1]);
                     else t = 5;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.InnerException != null) Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message);
                var th = new Thread(() => {
                    var wb = new SelfAuthenticatingWebBrowser();    // WebBrowser();
                wb.Show(); Console.WriteLine(wb.DocumentText);
                wb.DocumentCompleted += browser_DocumentCompleted;
                wb.NewWindow += browser_newWindow; 
                wb.ControlAdded += browser_ControlAdded ;
                wb.LostFocus += browser_LostFocus;
                wb.Navigating += browser_Navigating;
                wb.FileDownload += browser_FileDownload;
                //wb.Site =  new MySitex();   
                    object obj = wb.ActiveXInstance;
                    IOleObject oc = obj as IOleObject;
                    oc.SetClientSite(wb as IOleClientSite);
                    //this.Site = this as ISite;
                    System.IntPtr ppvServiceProvider;
                    IServiceProvider sp = wb as IServiceProvider;
                    sp.QueryService(ref SelfAuthenticatingWebBrowser.SID_IAuthenticate, ref SelfAuthenticatingWebBrowser.IID_IAuthenticate, out ppvServiceProvider);               
            static void browser_Navigating(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("navigating..." );
                var s = sender as WebBrowser;
                Console.WriteLine(s.DocumentTitle + s.Name);
                //foreach (var x in s.Controls)
                //    Console.WriteLine(x.ToString());
                //foreach(Form x in Application.OpenForms)
                //    Console.WriteLine(x.Name);
                if (false)//(send)
                    send = false;
                    var thekeys = new Thread(() =>
                        if (username != "")
                            Console.WriteLine("sending username key strokes");
                        if (password != "")
                            Console.WriteLine("sending password key strokes");
            static void browser_FileDownload(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if(verbose) Console.WriteLine("FileDownload : " + e.ToString());
                var s = sender as WebBrowser;
                if (verbose) Console.WriteLine(s.DocumentTitle + s.Name + s.Url); //Console.ReadKey();
            static void browser_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("lost focus : " + e.ToString());
                var s = sender as WebBrowser;
                Console.WriteLine(s.DocumentTitle + s.Name);
            static void browser_ControlAdded(object sender, ControlEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("control added : " + e.ToString());
                var s = sender as WebBrowser;
                Console.WriteLine(s.DocumentTitle + s.Name);
            static void browser_newWindow(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("new : " + e.ToString());
                var s = sender as WebBrowser;
                Console.WriteLine(s.DocumentTitle + s.Name);
            static void browser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
                var br = sender as WebBrowser;
                if (e.Url.ToString()=="about:blank") return;
                if (br.Url == e.Url)
                    Console.WriteLine("Navigated to {0}", e.Url);
                    if (e.Url.ToString() == "") submitted = true;
                    if(verbose) Console.WriteLine(br.DocumentText);
                    foreach (HtmlElement x in br.Document.All)
                       // if (x.All == null)
                        //Console.WriteLine("|{0} {1} {2}| [{3}]\n", x.Id, x.Name, ".",x.GetAttribute("value"));
                        if (x.Name == "format" && x.GetAttribute("value") == "C") { Console.WriteLine("\n C L I C K !\n"); x.InvokeMember("click"); Thread.Sleep(1000); clicked = true; }
                        //else foreach (HtmlElement y in x.Document.All)
                          //      Console.WriteLine("|{0} {1} {2}| [{3}]\n", y.Id, y.Name, y.OuterHtml, x.InnerText);
                    if (clicked && !submitted)
                        Console.WriteLine("submitting the report");
                        if (verbose) Console.WriteLine(" function at: {0}", br.DocumentText.IndexOf("function runReport()"));
                        //var newtext = br.DocumentText.Replace("value=\"R\" checked", "value=\"R\" ").Replace("value=\"C\"", "value=\"C\" checked");
                        //Console.WriteLine(" function at: {0}", br.DocumentText.IndexOf("function runReport()"));
                    //if (c == 1)
                        if (verbose) Console.WriteLine(br.DocumentText.IndexOf("http://"));
                        if (verbose) Console.WriteLine(br.DocumentText.IndexOf(".csv"));
                    if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("c = {0}", c);
                    if (submitted)
                        int start = br.DocumentText.IndexOf("csv/Report");
                        int end = 0; if (start >= 0) end = br.DocumentText.IndexOf(".csv", start);
                        if (start > 0 && end > start)
                            if (verbose) Console.WriteLine(br.DocumentText.Substring(start, end - start));
                            string link = "" + br.DocumentText.Substring(start, end - start) + ".csv";
                            if (URLDownloadToFile(0, link, filename, 0, 0) == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("The report has been saved as {0}", filename);
                                Console.WriteLine("There was a problem with downloading/saving the report {0}", report);
                    if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("cookies ? {0}, {1}, {2}", br.Document.Cookie == null, br.Document.Cookie == "", br.Document.Cookie);
                    if(c>4) Application.ExitThread();   // Stops the thread
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