I\'m trying to implement horizon charts in matplotlib (see: http://square.github.com/cubism/)
The basic idea is that you display a time series in narrow aspect ratio, an
I actually do not know, why yours is not working, because on my computer it works fine. But since I am really interested in this plotting, I tried to implement it on my own without all this fancy twinx
I just plot these areas on top of eachother, since this is actually the great thing about the plot. Thus I do not need to adjust the alpha, they just add up.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
def layer(y,height):
if y>0:
if y-height>=0:
y-= pos
else :
pos = y
elif y<0:
if y+height<=0:
y += neg
else :
neg = -y
return pos,neg
def horizonPlot(x,y,height=50.0,colors=['CornflowerBlue','DarkGreen']):
alpha = .10
vlayer = np.vectorize(layer)
while (y != 0).any():
l = vlayer(y,height)
y -= l[0];y += l[1]
fill_between(x,0,l[0],color=colors[0], alpha=alpha)
fill_between(x,height-l[1],height,color=colors[1], alpha=alpha)
def main():
x = np.linspace(0, np.pi*4, 137)
y = (2*np.random.normal(size=137) + x**2)
xx = np.hstack([-1*x[::-1], x])
yy = np.hstack([-1*y[::-1], y])
This looks like the following on my machine. Hope it works on yours, but I just use basic plotting methods.