How to animate an image along a path with Bezier curves

前端 未结 2 1632

My goal:

  • Move/animate an image along a path like the drawing below (Could be connecting bezier curves).
  • Must work in IE7+, don\'t what to
  • 2021-02-20 12:26

    I would recommend you to use GSAP :

    With that you can handle timelines, and here is a bezier plugin :


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  • 2021-02-20 12:30

    There's a tiny script (SVG based), just for animation which isn't in straight lines,
    called pathAnimator (2kb), It's very very small and very efficient.
    No jQuery required.

    For example:

    var path = "M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z";         // an SVG path
        pathAnimator = new PathAnimator( path ),    // initiate a new pathAnimator object
        speed = 6,              // seconds that will take going through the whole path
        reverse = false,        // go back or forward along the path
        startOffset = 0,        // between 0% to 100%
        easing = function(t){ t*(2-t) };    // optional easing function
    pathAnimator.start( speed, step, reverse, startOffset, finish, easing);
    function step( point, angle ){
        // do something every "frame" with: point.x, point.y & angle
    function finish(){
        // do something when animation is done

    (can even get more efficient using fastdom)

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