When deciding between Counter
and Gauge
, Prometheus documentation states that
To pick between counter and gauge, there is a simp
From a conceptual point of view, gauge and counter have different purposes
, increase()
...Those evolution operations requires a reliable computation of the increase that you could not achieve with a gauge because you need to detect resets of the value.
Technically, a counter has two important properties:
If the application restarts between two Prometheus scrapes, the value of the second scrape in likely to be less than the previous scrape and the increase can be recovered (somewhat because you'll always loose the increase between the last scrape and the reset).
A simple algorithm to compute the increase of counter between scrapes from t1 to t2 is:
counter(t2) >= counter(t1)
then increase=counter(t2)-counter(t1)
counter(2) < counter(t1)
then increase=counter(t2)
As a conclusion, from a technical point of view, you can use a gauge instead of a counter provided you reset it to 0 at startup and only increment it but any violation of contract will lead to wrong values.
As a side note, I also expect a counter implementation to use unsigned integer representation while gauge will rather use a floating point representation. This has some minor impacts on the code such as the ability to overflow to 0 automatically and better support for atomic operations on current cpus.
For counters you care about how fast it is increasing, whereas for gauges you care about the actual value. While there can be gauges that (in theory) only go up, that doesn't make them counters.