I\'m beginner in the e2e testing and have a problem. When I do login - I make redirect from login.php to index.php page. But my test is fails with following errors:
jasmineNodeOpts: { defaultTimeoutInterval: 260000 }
for me this works after including this in conf.js
expect(element(by.cssContainingText('body', 'Hello, you are Logged In!')).isPresent()).toBeTruthy();
expect(element.all(by.cssContainingText('body', 'Hello, you are Logged In!')).get(2).isPresent()).toBeTruthy();
OK, I have resolved this issue by myself, but not sure why element and browser don't work. I have changed
expect(element(by.css('body')).getText()).toContain('Welcome Test User');
expect(browser.driver.findElement(by.css('body')).getText()).toContain('Welcome Test User');
So I have changed element to browser.driver.findElement and everything works.
I don't know why it happens, but it works :)
As I understand, browser.driver.findElement - is not angular way and we should use it if we use non-angular pages. Although I use angular it seems that element and browser doesn't re-initialize. Some info I found here http://engineering.wingify.com/posts/angularapp-e2e-testing-with-protractor/#test-both-angularjs-and-non-angularjs-based-pages
You are getting timeout because you've injected a param into it
callback and never called that (read more on that here). You should remove the param, or call it when the test is over. Basically, you don't do any custom async stuff, so you don't need it.
So the question is how I can wait when my page will reload and check url?
I'd suggest that you waited for a specific element on index.php
it('should login and redirect to overview page with CR Operators rights', function() {
browser.wait(protractor.until.elementLocated(by.css('Log out'));
expect(element(by.css('body')).getText()).toContain('Hello, you are Logged In!');
Jasmine has timeout for each spec i.e. each it
in jasmine framework. so if any spec (it
) exceeds jasmine spec's default timeout then it fails that spec.
To override jasmine spec timeout for one individual spec, pass a third parameter to it:
it(description, testFn, timeout_in_millis)
it('description of test case', function() {
/*your test
},120000);//120 seconds timeout for this spec
more information on timeouts is here