Not sure why I\'m getting this error, it happened when I added connect
from redux
to my Login component, so I could connect my store
Redux recommends exporting the unconnected component for unit tests. See their docs.
In login.js:
// Named export for tests
export class LoginContainer extends React.Component {
// Default export
export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(LoginContainer);
And in your test:
// Import the named export, which has not gone through the connect function
import { LoginContainer as Login } from './Login';
You can then specify any props that would have come from the store directly on the component.
You could use React's contextType or pass propType. You would need to declare it either as a prop or contextType.
Provider.contextTypes = {
Store: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
Provider.propTypes= {
Store: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
You need to pass store as either a prop or context in your test. mount method accepts context as another parameter.
and how do you get store here? You create store the same way you created in app.js