I try to write to a large file, but it seems like it does not work for files larger than 2GB. I have tried with boost::iostreams::file_sink. Is this just a limit with the boost
This depends on:
This might also help: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/libs/iostreams/doc/faq.html#offsets
In Win32/64 the ReadFile & WriteFile can write files larger than 4gb. The positioning is done via a 64bit _LARGE_INTEGER value in SetFilePointerEx. Likewise to get the file size you need GetFileSizeEx and not the basic GetFileSize.
In NTFS the only real limit is the size of the volume. If you want to test this out you can create a dummy file using the command-line:
fsutil file createnew [filename] [validdatalength]
fsutil file createnew TestFile.bin 65536000000
That should create a 64GB file assuming you have an NTFS volume.