When setting up Glassfish in IntelliJ IDEA I get the following Error message ´Admin port configuration not found´.
Now I searched high an low but I found no place where
IDEA GlassFish integration detects admin port from the file: <domain folder>/config/domain.xml
XPaths checked:
If domain.xml
can't be found or both XPaths aren't valid you'll be warned with the message Admin port configuration not found
I think the broken link should be http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/IDEA-25807 and points to the Glassfish HOME configuration as the issue.
First, you can delete domain.xml.bak Second, go to IDEA - Edit Configurations - GlassFish. Set an absolute path in the field "Server Domain", for example: C:\glassfish5\glassfish\domains\domain1. So, check field "JRE" if you wrote path to JDK in file "asenv". This path must be the same as the value from server configuraton.
It was happening to me because my domain.xml was not in the /domain1/config folder.
Instead I had this two files domain.xml.bak and domain.xml~.
What I did is create a new domain.xml with the content of domain.xml~. Then remove the two fields (.bak and .xml~) And then run again glassfish.
That worked for me.
Why my domain.xml sundenly disappear stills a mistery to me. :S