I\'ve read from the apt tool page that one can create AnnotationProcessors to generate new derived files (source files, class files, deployment descriptors, etc.). I am looking
When I am going to generate the version for distribution it, I have a class that override all the constants with the Ofuscated String call:
This is the process:
The ANT:
<java classname="de.schlichtherle.util.ObfuscatedString">
<arg value="${of.constant}" />
<pathelement location="${exit.path}/${buildDir}" />
<path refid="myclasspath" />
The Java Ofuscate code (ObfuscatedString):
public static void main(String[] args) {
if ( args!=null ){
String[] ficheros = args[0].split(";");
if ( args!=ficheros )
for (String ruta:ficheros)
ofuscateConstantClass( ruta );
private static void ofuscateConstantClass( String fileName ){
File archivo = null;
FileReader fr = null;
BufferedReader br = null;
List<String> sb = new ArrayList<String>();
FileWriter fichero = null;
PrintWriter pw = null;
archivo = new File( fileName );
fr = new FileReader (archivo);
br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String linea;
while( (linea=br.readLine())!=null ){
String noWhite = linea.trim().replaceAll(" +", " ");
if ( noWhite.toLowerCase().startsWith("public static final string") && noWhite.endsWith("\";") ){
String firstPart = noWhite.substring(0, noWhite.indexOf("\"") );
String constant = noWhite.substring(noWhite.indexOf("\"")+1, noWhite.lastIndexOf("\"") );
String ofuscatedConstant = obfuscate( constant );
String secondPart = noWhite.substring(noWhite.lastIndexOf("\"")+1 );
sb.add( firstPart + ofuscatedConstant + secondPart );
System.out.println( constant + "-->" + ofuscatedConstant );
} else
sb.add( linea );
fichero = new FileWriter( fileName );
pw = new PrintWriter(fichero);
for (String s:sb)
pw.println( s );
} catch ( Exception e){
} finally {
if( null != fr )
if( null != pw )
if( null != fichero )
}catch (Exception e2){
Hope it helps :)
I bet spoon may be what you are looking for. But why do you want to obfuscate static strings?
You could have
String message = Obfuscated.decode("a string that should not be readable in class file");
which compiles normally, however after compilation you have a tool which examines the bytecode e.g. using ObjectWeb's ASM, changes the String literal so it looks like
String message = Obfuscated.decode("\u86DD\u4DBB\u5166\uC13D\u4C79\uB1CD\uC313\uAE09\u1A35\u3051\uDAF6\u463B");
To make it easer to identify strings which need to be changed, you could add a prefix to them, and you could ensure this prefix does appear after the code has been obfuscated.
String s = "Obfuscate: a string that should not be readable in class file";
// later
String message = Obfuscated.decode(s);
Zelix KlassMaster offers this ability. If memory serves, it used to be free for companies under 3 developers, but I just checked their purchase page, and it seems that they now charge a small-developers fee for small companies. I haven't used it in several years (at least 5 or 7), but it did a fantastic job obfuscating strings, and code in general.