Saving an aggregation query using \"mongodb\": \"^3.0.6\"
as result with the $out
operator is only working when calling .toArray()
Because the Aggregation operation returns a cursor, not the results. In order to return all the documents from the cursor, we need to use toArray method.
MongoDB acknowledge this behaviour, but they also say this is working as designed.
It has been logged as a bug in the MongoDB JIRA, $out aggregation stage doesn't take effect, and the responses say it is not a fault:
This behavior is intentional and has not changed in some time with the node driver. When you "run" an aggregation by calling Collection.prototype.aggregate, we create an intermediary Cursor which is not executed until some sort of I/O is requested. This allows us to provide the chainable cursor API (e.g. cursor.limit(..).sort(..).project(..)), building up the find or aggregate options in a builder before executing the initial query.
... Chaining toArray in order to execute the out stage doesn't feel quite right. Is there something more natural that I haven't noticed?
Unfortunately not, the chained out method there simply continues to build your aggregation. Any of the following methods will cause the initial aggregation to be run: toArray, each, forEach, hasNext, next. We had considered adding something like exec/run for something like change streams, however it's still in our backlog. For now you could theoretically just call hasNext which should run the first aggregation and retrieve the first batch (this is likely what exec/run would do internally anyway).
So, it looks like you do have to call one of the methods to start iterating the cursor before $out
will do anything. Adding .toArray()
, as you're already doing, is probably safest. Note that to.Array()
does not load the entire result into RAM as normal; because it includes a $out
, the aggregation returns an empty cursor.