What is “2's Complement”?

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名媛妹妹 2020-11-21 05:59

I\'m in a computer systems course and have been struggling, in part, with Two\'s Complement. I want to understand it but everything I\'ve read hasn\'t brought the p

  • 2020-11-21 06:31

    Like most explanations I've seen, the ones above are clear about how to work with 2's complement, but don't really explain what they are mathematically. I'll try to do that, for integers at least, and I'll cover some background that's probably familiar first.

    Recall how it works for decimal:
    is a way of writing
      2 × 103 + 3 × 102 + 4 × 101 + 5 × 100.

    In the same way, binary is a way of writing numbers using just 0 and 1 following the same general idea, but replacing those 10s above with 2s. Then in binary,
    is a way of writing
      1 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 1 × 21 + 1 × 20
    and if you work it out, that turns out to equal 15 (base 10). That's because it is
      8+4+2+1 = 15.

    This is all well and good for positive numbers. It even works for negative numbers if you're willing to just stick a minus sign in front of them, as humans do with decimal numbers. That can even be done in computers, sort of, but I haven't seen such a computer since the early 1970's. I'll leave the reasons for a different discussion.

    For computers it turns out to be more efficient to use a complement representation for negative numbers. And here's something that is often overlooked. Complement notations involve some kind of reversal of the digits of the number, even the implied zeroes that come before a normal positive number. That's awkward, because the question arises: all of them? That could be an infinite number of digits to be considered.

    Fortunately, computers don't represent infinities. Numbers are constrained to a particular length (or width, if you prefer). So let's return to positive binary numbers, but with a particular size. I'll use 8 digits ("bits") for these examples. So our binary number would really be
      0 × 27 + 0 × 26 + 0 × 25 + 0 × 24 + 1 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 1 × 21 + 1 × 20

    To form the 2's complement negative, we first complement all the (binary) digits to form
    and add 1 to form
    but how are we to understand that to mean -15?

    The answer is that we change the meaning of the high-order bit (the leftmost one). This bit will be a 1 for all negative numbers. The change will be to change the sign of its contribution to the value of the number it appears in. So now our 11110001 is understood to represent
      -1 × 27 + 1 × 26 + 1 × 25 + 1 × 24 + 0 × 23 + 0 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20
    Notice that "-" in front of that expression? It means that the sign bit carries the weight -27, that is -128 (base 10). All the other positions retain the same weight they had in unsigned binary numbers.

    Working out our -15, it is
      -128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 1
    Try it on your calculator. it's -15.

    Of the three main ways that I've seen negative numbers represented in computers, 2's complement wins hands down for convenience in general use. It has an oddity, though. Since it's binary, there have to be an even number of possible bit combinations. Each positive number can be paired with its negative, but there's only one zero. Negating a zero gets you zero. So there's one more combination, the number with 1 in the sign bit and 0 everywhere else. The corresponding positive number would not fit in the number of bits being used.

    What's even more odd about this number is that if you try to form its positive by complementing and adding one, you get the same negative number back. It seems natural that zero would do this, but this is unexpected and not at all the behavior we're used to because computers aside, we generally think of an unlimited supply of digits, not this fixed-length arithmetic.

    This is like the tip of an iceberg of oddities. There's more lying in wait below the surface, but that's enough for this discussion. You could probably find more if you research "overflow" for fixed-point arithmetic. If you really want to get into it, you might also research "modular arithmetic".

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  • 2020-11-21 06:31

    Imagine that you have a finite number of bits/trits/digits/whatever. You define 0 as all digits being 0, and count upwards naturally:


    Eventually you will overflow.


    We have two digits and can represent all numbers from 0 to 100. All those numbers are positive! Suppose we want to represent negative numbers too?

    What we really have is a cycle. The number before 2 is 1. The number before 1 is 0. The number before 0 is... 99.

    So, for simplicity, let's say that any number over 50 is negative. "0" through "49" represent 0 through 49. "99" is -1, "98" is -2, ... "50" is -50.

    This representation is ten's complement. Computers typically use two's complement, which is the same except using bits instead of digits.

    The nice thing about ten's complement is that addition just works. You do not need to do anything special to add positive and negative numbers!

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  • 2020-11-21 06:31

    You can also use an online calculator to calculate the two's complement binary representation of a decimal number: http://www.convertforfree.com/twos-complement-calculator/

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  • 2020-11-21 06:32

    Two's complement is a clever way of storing integers so that common math problems are very simple to implement.

    To understand, you have to think of the numbers in binary.

    It basically says,

    • for zero, use all 0's.
    • for positive integers, start counting up, with a maximum of 2(number of bits - 1)-1.
    • for negative integers, do exactly the same thing, but switch the role of 0's and 1's (so instead of starting with 0000, start with 1111 - that's the "complement" part).

    Let's try it with a mini-byte of 4 bits (we'll call it a nibble - 1/2 a byte).

    • 0000 - zero
    • 0001 - one
    • 0010 - two
    • 0011 - three
    • 0100 to 0111 - four to seven

    That's as far as we can go in positives. 23-1 = 7.

    For negatives:

    • 1111 - negative one
    • 1110 - negative two
    • 1101 - negative three
    • 1100 to 1000 - negative four to negative eight

    Note that you get one extra value for negatives (1000 = -8) that you don't for positives. This is because 0000 is used for zero. This can be considered as Number Line of computers.

    Distinguishing between positive and negative numbers

    Doing this, the first bit gets the role of the "sign" bit, as it can be used to distinguish between nonnegative and negative decimal values. If the most significant bit is 1, then the binary can be said to be negative, where as if the most significant bit (the leftmost) is 0, you can say the decimal value is nonnegative.

    "Sign-magnitude" negative numbers just have the sign bit flipped of their positive counterparts, but this approach has to deal with interpreting 1000 (one 1 followed by all 0s) as "negative zero" which is confusing.

    "Ones' complement" negative numbers are just the bit-complement of their positive counterparts, which also leads to a confusing "negative zero" with 1111 (all ones).

    You will likely not have to deal with Ones' Complement or Sign-Magnitude integer representations unless you are working very close to the hardware.

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  • 2020-11-21 06:32

    Many of the answers so far nicely explain why two's complement is used to represent negative number, but do not tell us what two's complement number is, particularly not why a '1' is added, and in fact often added in a wrong way.

    The confusion comes from a poor understanding of the definition of a complement number. A complement is the missing part that would make something complete.

    The radix complement of an n digit number x in radix b is, by definition, b^n-x. In binary 4 is represent by 100, which has 3 digits (n=3) and a radix of 2 (b=2). So its radix complement is b^n-x = 2^3-4=8-4=4 (or 100 in binary).

    However, in binary obtaining a radix's complement is not as easy as getting its diminished radix complement, which is defined as (b^n-1)-y, just 1 less than that of radix complement. To get a diminished radix complement, you simply flip all the digits.

    100 -> 011 (diminished (one's) radix complement)

    to obtain the radix (two's) complement, we simply add 1, as the definition defined.

    011 +1 ->100 (two's complement).

    Now with this new understanding, let's take a look of the example given by Vincent Ramdhanie (see above second response)

    /* start of Vincent

    Converting 1111 to decimal:

    The number starts with 1, so it's negative, so we find the complement of 1111, which is 0000. Add 1 to 0000, and we obtain 0001. Convert 0001 to decimal, which is 1. Apply the sign = -1. Tada!

    end of Vincent */

    Should be understood as

    The number starts with 1, so it's negative. So we know it is a two's complement of some value x. To find the x represented by its two's complement, we first need find its 1's complement.

    two's complement of x: 1111 one's complement of x: 1111-1 ->1110; x = 0001, (flip all digits)

    apply the sign -, and the answer =-x =-1.

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  • 2020-11-21 06:34

    In simple term 2's Complement is a way to store negative number in Computer Memory. Whereas Positive Numbers are stored as Normal Binary Number.

    Let's consider this example,

    Computer uses Binary Number System to represent any number.

    x = 5;

    This is represented as 0101.

    x = -5;

    When the computer encouters - sign, it computes it's 2's complement and stores it. i.e 5 = 0101 and it's 2's complement is 1011.

    Important rules computer uses to process numbers are,

    1. If the first bit is 1 then it must be negative number.
    2. If all the bits except first bit are 0 then it is a positive number because there is no -0 in number system.(1000 is not -0 instead it is positive 8)
    3. If all the bits are 0 then it is 0.
    4. Else it is a positive number.
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