I have created mongodb user with command
use admin
user: \"superuser\",
pwd: \"12345678\",
roles: [ \"root\" ]
This is working fine:
var options = { server: { socketOptions: { keepAlive: 1 } } };
var connectionString = 'mongodb://admin:admin1234@localhost:27017/myDB';
mongoose.connect(connectionString, options);
//Add those events to get more info about mongoose connection:
// Connected handler
mongoose.connection.on('connected', function (err) {
console.log("Connected to DB using chain: " + connectionString);
// Error handler
mongoose.connection.on('error', function (err) {
// Reconnect when closed
mongoose.connection.on('disconnected', function () {
try this
const mongooseConnectionString = 'mongodb://superuser:12345678@ localhost/twitter-mongo?authSource=admin'
Correct way to create the connection string is var connection = mongoose.createConnection("mongodb://username:pwd@hostip:port/dbname?authSource=admin", options);
Please use authSource=admin to authenticate in connection string.
mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://username:password@35.238.xxx.xxx:27017/dashboards?authSource=admin', {
useNewUrlParser: true
}, (e) => {
if (e) throw console.error('Error connecting to mongo database master');
console.log('Connected to mongo database master.');
You must declare the authSource parameter in your connection string in order to specify the name of the database that contains your user's credentials:
var options = {
user: "superuser",
pass: "12345678"
var mongooseConnectionString = 'mongodb://localhost/twitter-mongo?authSource=admin';
Note: for users of Mongoose 4.x, you may want to also include useMongoClient: true
in your options object. This silences the Please authenticate using MongoClient.connect with auth credentials and open() is deprecated error messages.
I did run a mongo service using docker and then connected my mongoose to it with this code
const _database = 'mongodb://user:pass@localhost:port/MyDB?authSource=admin';
mongoose.connect(_database, {
useNewUrlParser: true
.then(() => console.log('Connected to MongoDB ...'))
.catch(err => console.error('Could not connect to MongoDB:', err));
this is equal to
mongo --username user --password pass --authenticationDatabase admin --port 27017
on connection and then use MyDB
database for doing operations like find, aggregate, insert and etc on it.
if you have no user (MongoDB default user) for your database then you can change Database
like bellow:
const _database = 'mongodb://localhost:port/MyDB';
is default MongoDB port if your MongoDB port hasn't changed either then you can do the same for port too.
like bellow:
const _database = 'mongodb://localhost/MyDB';
this is the same as bellow:
above code is because there is no user and no port then for not been a user there is no need for authentication database either.