I have the following spec...
describe \"successful POST on /user/create\" do
it \"should redirect to dashboard\" do
post \'/user/create\', {
Instance doubles are the way to go. If you stub a method that doesn't exist you get an error, which prevents you from calling an un-existing method in production code.
response = instance_double(RestClient::Response,
body: {
'isAvailable' => true,
'imageAvailable' => false,
# or :get, :post, :etc
allow(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).and_return(response)
I would consider using a gem for a task like this.
Two of the most popular are WebMock and VCR.
Using a mock for the response you can do this. I'm still pretty new to rspec and test in general, but this worked for me.
describe "successful POST on /user/create" do
it "should redirect to dashboard" do
RestClient = double
response = double
response.stub(:code) { 200 }
RestClient.stub(:post) { response }
post '/user/create', {
:name => "dave",
:email => "dave@dave.com",
:password => "another_pass"
last_response.should be_redirect
last_request.url.should == 'http://example.org/dave/dashboard'