The problem is that you are 'closing' over the same variable.
var does not declare a variable1. It simply annotates a 'stop look-up' for an identifier within a given execution context.
Please see Javascript Closures "FAQ Notes" for all the nice details. The sections on 'execution context' and 'scope chain' are most interesting.
The common idiom is perform a double-binding to create a new execution context.
var k
for (k = 1; k < 10; k++) {
setTimeout((function (_k) {
return function () {
})(k), k * 100)
As of JavaScript 5th Edition there is Function.bind (it can also be implemented in 3rd edition such as bind from prototype.js), which can be used as such:
var k
for (k = 1; k < 10; k++) {
setTimeout((function () {
}).bind(k), k * 100)
1 This construct is referred to as a Variable Declaration in the ECMAScript specification. However, this statements, as misleading as it may be viewed, is stressed to bring home a point: also see "variable hoisting".