How can I get the value of a custom environment variable in a classic ASP page using VBScript?
The following worked for me, based on this article
Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'This actually returns all the User Variables, and you either loop through all, or simply print what you want
Set objUserVariables = objWSH.Environment("USER")
'This returns all the System Variables, and you either loop through all, or simply print what you want
Set objSystemVariables = objWSH.Environment("SYSTEM")
You can use the ExpandEnvironmentStrings method of the WScript.Shell object to retrieve environment variables. The following code will assign the value of the PATH environment variable to var myPath:
set foo = createobject("WScript.Shell")
myPath = foo.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PATH%")
More info on the Shell object as MSDN
Edit: Had to change the variable to which the shell object is assigned.