Was evaluating adding spell check to a product I own. As per my research the major decisions that need to be made:
I've used Hunspell for a few things, and I don't really have any horror stories with it. I've only used it with English (American) though, but it claims to work with other languages.
As for licensing, it offers a choice of GPL, LGPL, and MPL. If you don't like the MPL, you can always choose to use the LGPL.
As already mentioned Hunspell is a state of the art spell checker. It is the Open Office, Thunderbird, Firefox and Google Chrome spell checker. Ports to all major programming languages are available. It works with the Open Office Directories, so a lot of languages are supported.
Here is a good demonstration by Peter Norvig: I find this simple explanation much more intuitive. Follow the links in the doc as well for more indepth analysis.
There are several pupular options that widely used: myspell, aspell. Check them.