Having some issues to get my vagrant up,
Got the box, run vagrant init
and after vagrant up
command I get this message.
Bringing m
With my setup Win10, Vagrant 2.1.2 and Ubuntu 16 while working firewall i have enabled "ufw" for port 80 post which i was facing same problem. Command used as below to enable firewall
ufw enable
ufw 80 allow
I did login in GUI enable mode in Vagrantfile and disabling the same is life saver for me.
ufw disable
Now, just do
vagrant reload
vagarnt ssh
There are several different problems which can lead to this timeout problem. A good tip for tracking it down is to enable the GUI mode. This will bring up the VirtualBox machine UI which may provide a better clue as to the problem.
To enable GUI mode, make sure this section in your Vagrantfile
is uncommented:
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.gui = true
Then do a vagrant reload
. This should bring up the VirtualBox application showing your virtual machine UI. Usually the problem will become apparent, whether it's a network issue or grub boot loader problem.
After fixing the issue, you can comment this out again, then do another vagrant reload
to return to headless mode.
Reference: Vagrant docs
If your Vagrant box is running Ubuntu 16.04, it's because of this boot step ... A start job is running for raise network interfaces (5 mins 8 sec) One way to overcome this is to start the VM from VirtualBox and then do vagrant ssh
For me, I have uninstalled Docker-CE in my windows 10 then vagrant worked fine. Also please check this option disabled.