If you simply write 08 and 09 (without quotes) or any other numeric with a leading 0, PHP believes you're writing an octal value, and 08 and 09 are invalid octal numbers.
Integers can be specified in decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16),
octal (base 8) or binary (base 2) notation, optionally preceded by a
sign (- or +).
Binary integer literals are available since PHP 5.4.0.
To use octal notation, precede the number with a 0 (zero). To use
hexadecimal notation precede the number with 0x. To use binary
notation precede the number with 0b.
Prior to PHP 7, if an invalid digit was given in an octal integer (i.e. 8 or 9), the rest of the number was ignored. Since PHP 7, a parse error is emitted.